Monday, September 30, 2019

Global Financial Crisis Essay

The current global financial crisis which became prominently visible during September of 2008 is considered by most economists and world leaders the worst kind since the Great Depression. It is equated with the failure in conservatorship of the many financial institutions based in the United States of America. The US is considered the most powerful and the wealthiest nation or country in the whole world that every change that occurs can affect the current status of different countries. The failures committed by the US financial firms have evolved into global crisis affecting the financial stability of different continents like Europe and Asia. In Europe, bank failures and decline in various stock indexes are experienced. Also a large reduction in market values of equities and commodities in the world market occurred. Around the world, the United States of America is very influential and is the most prominent country in the world. One proof of this is the currently finished presidential election of 2008. Each and every nation in the world had their bets on who is going to attain victory between the two candidates running for office. The whole world is not taking their eyes of on who will win between John McCain, a white candidate and Barrack Obama, a black candidate. Not only the people of the US are excited in the incoming results but every person, mostly world leaders, are anticipating on the victory of the republican and the one who is craving for change. McCain is the presidential candidate that every person sees as someone who will continue the way current president George Bush rules the country while Obama, the other presidential candidate who claims of bringing change in the way the US should be governed. Every community supporting both presidential candidates becomes very vocal on who to put into office. But, the end of every fight comes and the black community and the rest of the United States have spoken putting someone who is craving for change in the position making Obama the first black president of the most influential nation worldwide. Obama attaining victory has inspired a lot of people, making it possible for every person to gain what they mostly wanted and in this moment, change is still possible or change can still be perceived. What is the connection between the current global financial crisis which is considered the major crisis after Great Depression and the just finished presidential elections? Well, the effect of every step that the country is taking affects other countries’ situation. On how the new president will govern the country and how he will offer help to other countries is what every nation is expecting from the most prominent nation in the world. While, the current global financial crisis have started in the failure of the United States which is now affecting the whole world is also very influential but in a very negative way for some other countries. Global financial crisis is mostly equated, or can be treated as economic crisis because the causes and the effects of the said crisis are mainly economic and mostly on the financial stability and the economic state of the country. Economic and financial stabilities can be the changes in prices of commodities, bank failures or unemployment. Some of the causes which lead to the global financial crisis are the following: (1) high commodity prices, (2) trade, (3) inflation, (4) unemployment, (5) return of volatility, and (6) economic governance. High commodity prices can be mostly seen in the purchase of food and oil. Food is very first in the list because it is the main need of every person. The family should have enough food to eat every day to maintain the health of every person. Food is the number one need of every person in order to live. Oil follows food in the list since it is the most exported and imported commodity in the world since most nations are not capable of producing oil while other nations are experiencing a surplus of oil. But the price of oil in the world market have reached $147 which led to the increase of oil prices in every country importing oil and the rise in other prime commodities has followed. Inflation is also present due to excess money supply around the world, speculation in commodities, agricultural failure, rise in the cost of imports and the rise in the demand for food and commodities. Unemployment is also considered one of the causes. The number of graduates or those people looking for jobs is growing largely each year while the number of jobs available does not increase as fast as the number of jobless people. It can be perceived that in the coming year, there will be 20 million people losing their jobs due to the financial crisis. These people who will lose jobs are mostly from the construction, real estate, financial services and auto sectors and industry. Economic governance is also important since it dictates how the economy of the country should be managed not only in time when the economy is stable but also when economic instability becomes unstoppable. How world leaders and economic advisors handle the situation is very important especially in the US because whatever decision they make will not only be perceived by the nation but also of different and other nations around the world that are mostly dependent on the US economic state. The global financial crisis can result to recession, rise in unemployment rate and liquidity crisis. Just after the 2008 US presidential election, leaders of the United States admitted that the country is in recession. This means that the economy is not stable as well as the financial capability of the country. This is the worst that can happen to the most influential country in the world since most of the countries in the world are depending on the economic changes that will be happening in the US for economic changes in their countries to also occur. Another worst effect that can be expected if the crisis will not be stopped is the rise in the unemployment rate all over the world. Major companies will be experiencing problems in their balance sheets that may result to the company closing down or laying off a number of workers. The global financial crisis may result in the economy slowing down and jobs will surely be affected. In what way? Investors might be experiencing emotions in the presence of paper based losses and there will be a visible decline in wealth. The state of the investment can experience a bad state that will choose to either close down or be taken over y competitors. Major companies can also result in selling their shares of stock because of the liquidity crisis. In this moment, banks will not be willing to lend money to other banks to protect the money and assets that their investors and depositors have trusted them. It will be a big risk for banks to lend money to other banks since some banks are already experiencing bankruptcy. Another thing is that importing and exporting products from other countries will be costly that the exportation and importation rates can be slowed down. In the exporting country, the commodity prices will be experiencing a decline. The exportation process slowing down, there will be lower prices for goods and services. The presence of the major global financial crisis has forced policymakers to focus on the problem well and come up with reforms that will address the problem encountered due to the crisis. Some policymakers had come up with reforming the global financial system in order to address the problem. World leaders and economic advisors have already conducted meetings regarding the global financial crisis talking about possible steps to address the problem itself and the problems that rooted to from the major crisis. The global financial crisis may have dangerous consequences mainly to the urban and rural poor, the labor sector and women and other marginalized sector of the society. These sectors are the most vulnerable to the changes that will be brought by the crisis so the country must first focus on these sectors. Policies focusing and protecting these sectors must be implemented to avoid involuntary hunger and unemployment rate. Since these are expected to be the most affected by the crisis, the state should be able to implement policies regarding social protection of these sectors. Companies who are mostly managing and holding these sectors must consider the state of the workers before deciding to lay-off workers. The most possible way is to offer lower salary for the workers if some of them will not agree to being removed from the job. The lower the salary, the greater the possibility for the owners to pay all the workers and there will be no problems regarding formation of unions because of the removal of employees. The companies just need to talk it over to their employees before making a move because the laborers will be the most affected sector. Investors and depositors are starting to save money on their own than putting them on the banks since there are a number of banks experiencing difficulties in maintaining their balance sheets which can result to bankruptcy. Most of these investors and depositors are afraid to trust the banks to take care of their money due to the fact that when the crisis ill become bigger, they will have no money to spend on their basic needs. In this way, the state can talk to the central bank in lending money to banks that need most of the supplies of money to adhere to the customers’ needs and wants. Investors and depositors still have the rights to their investments. The state should also allocate budget for basic services. Long term plans are not possible at this very moment of crisis since as time passes by the number of people who might be experiencing difficulties due to the crisis is rising. The state should not focus on what can be done for the future but focus more on what can be done today to address the current issues brought about by the global financial crisis. Short-term goals are more advised right now since there is a need for a quick recovery for other people especially the ones belonging to the lower-income groups, they are the most affected anyway. Overseas workers have been laid-off because some companies are securing jobs for their own country men. Overseas workers should not just be removed from their work; even though they are not from the country they should be given the same right as every worker in the country has. Protection of these workers should also be implemented since most of them are taking jobs that the citizens of the country cannot take to get as jobs since most of them see the jobs very low. The global financial crisis might bring something unexpected to the country. As some economists have already perceived the rise in unemployment rate, liquidity crisis and recession might occur. Some may say that this is uncontrollable yet certain measures must be taken to address the problem at the present. Short time goals are the most advised at this moment. s

Sunday, September 29, 2019

‘Macbeth’ English Coursework Essay

1. The scene opens with Lady Macbeth speaking in soliloquy; as a director I would tell the actress to look agitated, maybe wringing her hands and pacing the stage, quite near the back of the stage so it looks as if she is almost trying to hide. In the first soliloquy she seems less powerful compared to when she is with Macbeth. Lady Macbeth begins to imagine noises that represent bad omens, for example, ‘the owl shriek’d’. She probably didn’t hear that noise but an owl shrieking is a symbol of evil and she knows she is doing wrong. She then begins to go over the plans as if she is reassuring herself of what to do and wondering what is going on and how the plan is doing. Lady Macbeth obviously wasn’t that confident because she even says that she needed an alcoholic drink to calm her and make her brave again. Then when Macbeth enters, still in soliloquy, she panics that Macbeth hasn’t committed the murder, that they woke up and caught him and she expresses her doubts very obviously as shown in this quotation, ‘I am afraid’ this shows how she lacks confidence and proves that she wasn’t ‘bold’. Then when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth begin to talk to each other they are both very nervous and jumpy but slowly Lady Macbeth begins to regain control again and she can then comfort and sooth Macbeth who is very shocked and seems almost hysterical. Then Macbeth’s concerns worry Lady Macbeth but she still remains in control because she starts to command and order Macbeth around. For example, ‘give me the daggers’, ‘get on your nightgown’; Lady Macbeth regained her calm and Macbeth has become worried. Lady Macbeth gets worked up because of Macbeth’s doubting and worrying and she is almost shouting in rage at him when she says ‘infirm of purpose’ and as a director I would definitely say to be bossy and very angry towards Macbeth. She then begins to insult him which shames him as he is supposed to be a brave warrior when she calls him a ‘child’ so she has definitely regained her control and is ‘bold’ at the end of the scene. 2. In lines 16-31 Shakespeare creates lots of tension and anxiety by showing Lady Macbeth who is supposed to be very brave and someone who would rather ‘bash her baby’s brains out’ than show cowardice being nervous and jumpy. Lady Macbeth says that she couldn’t do it herself and doubts that Macbeth has the willpower to do it as well. Following this there is a very jumpy quick exchange between them in lines 22-30. The punctuation in this section is very short like full stops exclamation marks it is very quick answering, they almost finish off each others sentences. This would make the audience think whether they were going to get away with it? Would they be found out? Could they cover it up? Lie about it? So this creates a lot of anxiety as the audience want to know what is going to happen to them. 3. Macbeth is in a state of shock when he returns from Duncan’s Chamber. He hears sounds which frighten him so he appears very shocked and upset when he enters the scene. He is concerned that they will be found out and in that era the punishment would have been death for high treason. When he talks to Lady Macbeth they have a very quick and nervous exchange. During this exchange he begins to realise the seriousness of what he has just done and Macbeth then begins to feel guilty. He doesn’t seem to be able to focus on one thing at a time but the two dominant things he talks about is that he won’t be able to get spiritual forgiveness and he won’t be able to sleep. He then starts to talk about two lodgers praying and the fact that when they said ‘Amen’ he couldn’t because he had gone against God and broken the Divine Right of Kings. The Divine Right of Kings is an ancient belief system that was the eldest son of the king or queen would become the next ruler of the country. Macbeth had killed the king and taken his place so broken this spiritual belief. So Macbeth knows that he has disobeyed God and cannot get forgiveness. This is shown in lines 37-44. In these lines a very strong metaphor is used to show just how guilty he feels. The metaphor is: ‘Hangman’s hands’. This is comparing his hand to those of someone who kills frequently so this means that Macbeth’s guilt is so strong that it feels as though he has killed more than one person. The second dominant topic is that Macbeth sleep has the power to heal and nurture people who are troubled and weary but he has lost the right to sleep and will never sleep again. Lines 47-52 use a lot of good personification which further shows the guilt that Macbeth is feeling. He refers back to the witches in this extract:’ Glamis hath murder’d sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more; Macbeth shall sleep no more.’ this suggests that the witches are on his mind and how their prophecies have driven him to treachery. He then begins to question why he is jumpy; why his guilt and regret is so great; why he can’t go back in the room or even look at his hands. 4. The scene starts off with Macbeth in control because Lady Macbeth couldn’t commit the murder but after Macbeth did he couldn’t re-enter the room and face what he had done. Their relationship is very interesting because they have a large reliance on each other. Lady Macbeth needs Macbeth to commit the murder and Macbeth needs Lady Macbeth to drive him and push him so he has courage to commit the crime. Macbeth looses all his control in the relationship after he commits the murder because he is so haunted and shocked by what he has done and he then needs Lady Macbeth to calm him and make him feel at ease. You can find this change between lines 20-79. Lady Macbeth is in complete control at the end because she begins to call Macbeth names to make him feel ashamed of his cowardice and uses very commanding vocabulary to make him hide what they know and she is in some ways scared in case he can’t pretend that he doesn’t know anything. 5. The main themes of the play are nearly all mentioned in this scene. To me the most significant theme is that this story is about a man who potentially could have been great, powerful and strong but has been corrupted by darkness, witches and greed. Witchcraft is the theme that got them to this stage and is what really drives Macbeth to commit the murder. The witches’ prophecy drives him to killing anybody who got in his way especially Macduff’s family in Act IV Scene 2. Macbeth is constantly referring back to the witches and seems to have complete trust in them. An example showing that they are on his mind is in Act II Scene 2 when he is distraught about the murder in lines 55-57. Lady Macbeth also refers to witchcraft when she hears bad omens like the ‘owls’ scream’ so witchcraft and darkness is a main concern and theme of this particular scene. The theme of deception is carried on throughout this scene; at a more physical level than the deception of the witches with their contradicting language. In this scene, Act II Scene 2, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are putting the blame of the murder on the King’s guards and appearing to be unaware of the situation. Bloodshed and guilt is another key issue especially with phrases like ‘Hangman’s hands’ and they very graphic visual image in lines 76-79. This theme is referred to throughout the rest of the play and eventually until Lady Macbeth’s death. The guilt is so strong that it causes her to take her own life and the guilt rules Macbeth into decisions and causes a lack of sleep which is another key theme. His lack of sleep is because he has ruined his own equilibrium. Macbeth knows that he has disrupted the Divine Right of Kings so therefore upset God. So Macbeth finds that he is unable to pray and has lost the right to sleep which is ‘nature’s healer’ which is a theme which continues right from the murder to the end of the play. He becomes mentally disturbed. The final topic in this scene is the power shifting in the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. They both rely on each other to be strong.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Industrial Relations of Taiwan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Industrial Relations of Taiwan - Research Paper Example Regarding specifically Taiwan, it has been proved that the ‘real export growth rate and the stock market development’ (Liu and Chen-Min 2006, 667) have benefited the country’s economy – a fact that also benefited the employment in all the country’s industries. The effects of globalization on Taiwan’s industrial relations can be identified by referring to the current Labor Law – both for natives and foreigners – that regulates employment relations across the country. The reference to the human rights framework in Taiwan would be also valuable – in order to understand the potential interaction between globalization and the industrial relations of the particular country. In accordance with a human rights report published by the US Department of State in 2010 human rights in Taiwan are generally protected but there are problems including the ‘corruption by officials, violence and discrimination against women, trafficking in persons, and abuses of foreign workers’ (US Department of State, March 2010) that have not been adequately addressed. Employment in Taiwan is controlled through three major legislative texts: ‘the Labor Union Act, the Collective Agreement Act , and the Settlement of Labor Dispu tes Act’ (Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan Taiwan, 2010); through these laws, all issues related to employment in Taiwan’s various industries are addressed – at least this is the target set by the Taiwanese government. The effectiveness of these laws needs to be tested – using appropriate literature – aiming to show the influence of globalization in employment relations across the country. One of the key elements of globalization is the limitation of obstacles to the development of business activities worldwide.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Summary and reflect two articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary and reflect two articles - Essay Example They also reveal the way the masking process on the way product is produced has implications on the organization and environment. Therefore, they recommend that organizations should address the ongoing social and environmental process under capitalism. Hudson and Hudson (2003) reveal the way fair trade attempts to make visible for both social and environmental relations of commodity production and exchange process. This is vital because it enables the producer to make a shift in the production nature; thus solving the issues of product impact to both producers and the environment. The main purpose of the authors was to examine the degree to which the fair trade is effective in addressing or solving the commodity fetishism problems. Thus, they wanted to address this issue through identifying the barriers, which fair trade encounters in an attempt to unmask production process of commodities. Plant, B. (January 01, 2005). Socially responsible investing: the maturing of financial analysis. Policy Options, 26, 6, 39-43 is the article, which focuses on the way being socially responsible, can contribute to successful economic performance of Canada. Plant argues that one can become wealthier, or an economy can achieve economic development through being socially responsible. She asserts that by looking beyond the investments bottom line should not necessarily mean forgetting the profits but rather helps to shade light on the financial issue (Plant, 2005). The author focuses on the way Canadian government has made significant efforts of establishing environmental, social and governmental responsibilities in order to improve the competitive nature and stability of the Canadian economy. Although others argue that being responsible can enable an individual to become rich, the research indicates that no one receives penalty for being socially responsible. However,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Outsourcing with pros and cons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Outsourcing with pros and cons - Research Paper Example There are several reasons why many firms utilize outsourcing of their services, such as enhanced efficiency, cost reductions, increased flexibility and focus on core competencies. Outsourcing offers many benefits, although clearly with many caveats. The loss of skilled, expert staff is expected with outsourcing. Other risks involved with outsourcing include: loss of innovation, creativity, and flexibility and loss of control, continuity, and cooperation. However, these risk associated with outsourcing can be controlled and minimized if executed effectively. The immediate challenge facing organizations is how to make an informed offshore outsourcing decision that maximizes the benefits while minimizing the risks. An effective way to achieve the goal is to inquire how decision-makers comprehend and evaluate the factors affecting their offshore outsourcing decision. Abstract Outsourcing allows organization to reduce cost and concentrate on its core competences and to improve its activit ies. Although, outsourcing is an attractive strategy bounded by appealing benefits but it also contains some significant risks. However, these risk associated with outsourcing can be controlled and minimized if executed effectively. The immediate challenge facing organizations is how to make an informed offshore outsourcing decision that maximizes the benefits while minimizing the risks. An effective way to achieve the goal is to inquire how decision-makers comprehend and evaluate the factors affecting their offshore outsourcing decision. Abstract Outsourcing allows organization to reduce cost and concentrate on its core competences and to improve its activities. Although, outsourcing is an attractive strategy bounded by appealing benefits but it also contains some significant risks. However, these risk associated with outsourcing can be controlled and minimized if executed effectively. The immediate challenge facing organizations is how to make an informed offshore outsourcing deci sion that maximizes the benefits while minimizing the risks. An effective way to achieve the goal is to inquire how decision-makers comprehend and evaluate the factors affecting their offshore outsourcing decision. Outsourcing with Pros and Cons Introduction Outsourcing has become one of the most important management activities in recent years (Bromage, 2000). To outsource or not to outsource is one of the questions managers are increasingly asking themselves (Gunn, 2003). It is necessary to examine the degree of outsourcing and its pros and cons. The author posits that outsourcing is very beneficial to the growth of a company as it allows organization to reduce cost and to concentrate on its core competences and improve its activities. Outsourcing Outsourcing, as it applies to manufactured goods, is the practice of moving production to an outside supplier. Companies send this work to other domestic facilities or offshore. The outsourced activities can be thought of as new intermedi ate inputs or completed imports, shifting the entire production function done at home (Robert and Gordon, 1999). The outsourcing firm can then experience a reduction in the amount of labor required to continue operation. Outsourcing is a practice being used increasingly by organizations in order to combat the competitive forces within the global manufacturing sector. According to Michael Corbett, Firms extensively â€Å"use outsourcing everyday to improve the products and services they provide customers†¦. More than 90 percent of companies state it is an important part of their overall business strategy.†(Corbett, 2004: p. 3) Pros of Outsourcing Cost Savings Cost savings is the most important and most commonly cited reason for outsourcing. According to Burmahl (2001) cost savings is among the top reason to outsource. Cost-savings calculations encompass fixed costs, which include capital and administrative overhead; variable costs, which include specific supplies, service s, and labor cost for all personnel

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Managerial Works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managerial Works - Essay Example It is difficult for a manager in the current era to function based on pre-planned principles. The challenges and threats arising at the workplace and market are constantly changing. That is why management theories are undergoing rapid changes quite regularly. It is almost impossible for a manager to function as a democrat or an autocrat always. He should evaluate the situations properly before taking any actions. In other words, situational management styles are more common in the organizational world at present. A manager who reacts aggressively on one occasion may react cool on other occasions because of the situational difference he may face. Another myth about the managerial functions is that an effective manager need not have regular duties to perform. Mintzberg questioned this argument also. In his opinion, â€Å"Managerial works include lot of regular works including rituals and ceremonies, negotiations and processing of information† (Mintzberg, 1990, p.165). Informatio n processing is vital for the success of current organizations. Information are processed by the managers rather than the employees. Current managers should give more focus to what is going in the market and what the competitors are doing. Knowing the strategies of opponents or competitors are important for an organization to take precautionary actions. For example, while most of the mobile phone manufactures concentrated in adding more features to their existing products, Apple Inc thought differently and introduced an entirely new product (iPhone) in the market at the beginning of 21 st century. The rest is history. Nokia, the leader in mobile phone industry has lost its place and market share they are currently struggling for... This paper stresses that the difference major between a good manager and an excellent manager will be in their ability to control problems. Managers with ex-ante control can be termed as excellent managers whereas managers with concurrent control can be labeled as good managers. Excellent managers have the ability to forecast the problem before it actually occurs. Such abilities will help excellent managers to take remedial actions well before the occurrence of the problems. On the other hand, good managers operate only at the time of the occurrence of the problem. This report makes a conclusion that management is not a science or art. It is much more than that. It is a mixture of scientific principles along with psychological principles. It is the duty of the manager to know the needs of the employees as well as the needs of the organization. A successful manager will be able to blend these things together so that both the organization and the employees will be happy. On many occasions, managers work on intuitions rather than principles because of the complex nature of managing modern day organizations. Written principles or the theories learned from academics may not help managers always to solve problems. Creativity, decision making and problem solving skills are important for a manager rather than academic qualifications. Current managers are acting as leaders rather than managers. In short, managerial functions have changed a lot in recent past because of the huge changes taking place in the organizational world.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Risk Factors of Obesity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Risk Factors of Obesity - Research Paper Example The Higher mortality rate with colon cancer has been linked with high body mass index (BMI). Endometrial cancer is clearly common in obese women, who gain weight again increasing risk. Cardiovascular Disorders is another disease associated with obesity (Brophy et al., 2010). Elderly persons who suffer from obesity develop the cardiovascular disorder. The elderly are idle most of the time and do not engage in physical exercise. As a result, many fats accumulate in their body, and they end up being obese (Brophy et al., 2010). Hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance are to be the cause of cardiac risk factors that tend to cluster in obese people. Most of the old people who suffer from obesity develop this problem and end up dying (Brophy et al., 2010). Type 2 Diabetes is another disease caused by the accumulation of fatty foods in the body. It is a chronic disease. Overweight and obesity is the main threat for type-2 diabetes, and it is the cause of the current epidemic of noninsulin-dependent diabetes (Brophy et al., 2010). Stimulation of excess insulin promotes synthesis body fat and cholesterol. Low-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides and decreased High-Density Lipoprotein are as a result of the impaired insulin. Central obesity increases the likelihood of severe diseases especially cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.   The abdominal fat of central obesity seems to be more insulin resistant than bordering fat deposited over the abdomen and legs (Brophy et al., 2010).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Unethical trade practices of Tesco on fresh produce from developing Essay

Unethical trade practices of Tesco on fresh produce from developing countries - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the impact of unethical practices of business especially conducted by multinational corporations has long been the center of debates. Multinational companies operating in developing countries in the complex supply chain and the increased international trades, their business activities and decisions can have a profound impact on local communities and people from developing countries, which are producers in the supply chain. According to the ILO, agriculture is the largest sector of employment in most developing countries, which employs one-third of the world’s labor force. Many families and people rely on agricultural and production for export for their livelihoods. Agricultural supply chains are complex and international. However, it is considered a vulnerable sector for its high production cost, price fluctuations, and the unbalanced market power. In the complex supply chain, multinational companies that purchase their products from developing countries can have immense impacts on people living in those countries. In the international market, actions taken by the dominant buyers and retailers may create a situation where it undermines the capacity of suppliers and compromises farmers and worker’s basic rights. According to Wearden, the United Kingdom imports over 90 percent of its fresh fruits and 60% vegetables from other countries each year. These products are imported mainly from European countries and some developing African countries such as Kenya and Morocco and have estimated value of GBP 1.5 billion per annum. In the UK, a small number of retailers dominate the food retail market a factor which is seen to in turn generally contribute to the power imbalance in the trading relationship between purchasers and suppliers. According to the UK Competition Commission, supermarket chains are increasingly exerting pressure on suppliers and farmers from developing countries to conform to ethical stand ards. Tesco PLC is the grocery market leader in the United Kingdom with a market share of around 30 percent in 2013. It is one of the world’s largest merchandise retailers. TESCO was founded by Jack Cohen in 1919 as a group of grocery stalls in East End of London. In forming the name TESCO, the first two letter of Jack Cohen’s his surname were combined with the initials of his tea supplier, Thomas Edward Stockwell. The first Tesco store was opened in Middlesex in 1229. Originally Tesco focused its business on grocery retailer until the early 1990s when it diversified its products and services into a wider range inclusive of items such as clothing, furniture, books, DVD rental electronics, financial services, internet services and software in addition to its expanding its business abroad. Since then Tesco has continued to grow and offers new services in addition to opening new stores globally with a principle to sell a wide range of quality products at lower prices for everyone. In the present, Tesco has more than 6,500 stores worldwide and employs over 500,000 staffs around the world. Tesco is considered to be Britain’s biggest and most profitable supermarket chain and is currently seen to be expanding globally at a rapid rate. In 2013, Tesco announced its group trading profit before tax at GBP 3.5 billion with the UK sales accounting for over GBP 2 billion. With its aggressive worldwide expansions, Tesco purchases its products from suppliers in over 70 countries around the world. Given its continual success and the highest market share in the UK retails market, Tesco is in a powerful position, especially in grocery supply chain.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Problem Question Aviator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Problem Question Aviator - Essay Example (An Airprox is a situation in which, in the opinion of a pilot or a controller, the distance between aircraft as well as their relative positions and speed have been such that the safety of the aircraft involved was or may have been compromised.( UK Airprox Board available at The private pilot Jack should first of all be advised about the above disastrous effects that could have been caused by his actions of omission and commission which can be classed as those ranging from negligence, and breach of duty to downright vandalism. The potential liabilities due to various infringements have been examined and are as listed below:- i) The following provisions specified in Part A of Schedule 14 to Article 148 , contravention of anyone of which can, as per Article 148(5), carry a summary conviction to a fine not exceeding Level 4 on the standard scale. ii) The following provisions specified in Part B of Schedule 14 to Article 148 , contravention of anyone of which can, as per Article 148(6), carry a summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum and on conviction on indictment to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both. iii) The following provision specified in Part C of Schedule 14 to Article 148 , contravention of of which can, as per Article 148(7), carry a summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum and on conviction on indictment to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or both. i) Jack is liable for disciplinary action, including revoking/suspension of his personnel license from the CAA for prima facie infringement of the following condition specified in paragraph 1.175 of JAR–FCL 1. â€Å"Circumstances in which an IR(A) is required (a) The holder of a

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Degrading of Women Essay Example for Free

The Degrading of Women Essay In the 16th century, one of the last things anyone wants to be is a female. Throughout the play, it is evident that the role of a woman is burdensome. There is a set perception of a perfect woman, and only those depicting these characteristics are accepted by society. In The Taming of the Shrew era, a womans opinion is never valued, there is a class gap between males and females men are born with a higher rank -, and women are often seen, and are treated, as pieces of property. A womans opinion is not valued in the least and others always make decisions for her against her will. Throughout the male society, there are mental expectations as to how a woman should behave. These standards, although not written in concrete, are expected of all women. Not only is the male society aware of these expectations, but the females are as well, and they often live to meet these expectations. In the play, Katherina vocalizes the basis of these expectations: they are bound to serve, love, and obey (V, II, 164). In this quote, they refers to women, and bound is a very interesting word to use in this context. This is only one example of the thousands on how a womans opinion is not acknowledged. A woman is not only deprived of making her opinions heard, but they are bound to listen to, accept, and to honour a mans beliefs. In this case, the males viewpoint is that a woman is obliged to love, to serve, and to obey. Men even go as far as to decide a womans future husband. Not only is her voice not heard, she is sold off to the wealthiest bidder by none other than her own father. This is evident in the play as Baptista auctions his daughter off, awaiting the highest bid. Content you gentlemen; I will compound this strife. Tis deeds must win the prize, and be of both That can assure my daughter greatest dower Shall have my Biancas love. (II, I, 333-336) This is a clear indication that a woman is sold off to whomever can offer the most for her. It should be of no surprise that more times than another the woman is not always satisfied with the decision. As Katherina so aptly puts it: No shame but mine, I must, forsooth, be forcd / To give my hand, opposd my heart (III, II, 9). However, the mens reign over a woman does not end with her marriage. During her life after marriage, one could say that a womans mind is controlled more than ever. Not only must she uphold her fathers name, but her husbands as well. A womans husband also takes control of her as she is nothing more than mere slave that he has bought. In the play, Petruchio executes his power over Kate as he starves her (IV, II, 3-35), and refuses to pay heed to her opinions in how she would like to dress (IV, II, 81-103). No matter the circumstances whether it be choosing a husband or just living life a womans mind is always made up for her.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Evaluation And Selection Construction Method Of Smart Construction Essay

The Evaluation And Selection Construction Method Of Smart Construction Essay Malaysia is a rainy season country especially from November to March it will have heavy rainfall during this period. Unfortunately our capital Kuala Lumpur (KL) is located at the valley positions which frequently happen flooding problem since according to (Sin Chew Daily 2011) started from 31 December 1970 years three quarter of the city were flooded during rainy season. The flooding problem will cause the develop of our country. The impact involved of damages the lives of human, effect the economic use of the land such as the cost of land will be low because none of the owner would like have the land which frequently faced flood problem and also the structural damage such as the maintenance cost or the repair cost. Take an example according to (Datuk IR Hj) about 445 hectares of land in the city were inundated to various depths of up to 2 meter and the cost of damage was estimated to be region of RM 36 million, it was a huge amount if the problem continue for feature. Therefore Mala ysia government have come out with a solution which is invested in a program call smart tunnel project or Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel project. According to (Siao 2003) The smart tunnel project are located nearby the confluence point of Sg.Ampang river and Sg Klang river in the north and ends at the lake at Desa Water Park .The total tunnel length is 9.7 km with a bore diameter of 13.26m. The usage of smart tunnel is to solve the problem floods in Kuala Lumpur and also reduce traffic jam along Jalan Sungai Besi and low yew at Pudu during rush hour; therefore there are two components of this tunnel, the StormWater tunnel and motorway tunnel. It is the longest multi-purpose tunnel in the world. 1.2 Background The Stormwater management and road tunnel is located at the eastern side of Kuala Lumpur in a north east-south west direction. Due to the geographical environment of Kuala Lumpur are located at the valley it will stagnant water more easily and our rivers today do not have the capacity to discharge the water to another place cause Kuala Lumpur suffered serious damages during the flash flood from years 1970 until now. Accroding to(Smart project 2012) That may the reason the government come out with a solution that is smart tunnel project, the idea of smart tunnel is to decrease the flooding problem that Kuala Lumpur is face up to each time of heavily rain by divert the water entering from the critical location which is Sg.Klang,Sg.Ampang and Sg.Gombak using a holding basin ,storage reservoir and the bypass tunnel and reduce the traffic jam during rush hours in Kuala Lumpur .(Stormwater management and road tunnel project .viewed on 19 June 2012. The Smart Tunnel project was initiated by the former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahatir Mohammad under the Malaysian development. This project is included of cooperation of local authorities, private sectors, and some international engineer consultant. For the government department involved in this project are the department of irrigation and drainage Malaysia and Malaysian Highway Authority. For the private sectors are MMC Berhad and GAMUDA Berhad . The site of Smart tunnel ground condition which consisting overburden (siltssand,alluvial tin deposits, mine tailings,slump zones over the karstic rockhead) and the limestone which are deep fissured erratic Rockhead with relief of >30m . Due to the complex ground condition the contractor of smart tunnel project have decide to use tunnel boring machine as tunnelling excavation method and few part by using cut and fill . 1.2 Problem statement and Research question The smart tunnel is consisting of two components 9.7 km route and 11.83 internal diameter was in part sized to provide a motorway and storm water tunnel, there was a problem from the different level of motorway due to when flood event whether the component of the road provide sufficient strength to support water load to transmit water throughout the tunnel. (Robert Wilson 06) The another problem of this study is smart tunnel located in Kuala Lumpur which consists of large amount of lime stone know as highly erratic karstic features. (siow 2006) because of the formation there are few difficulty problem during the excavation process there are included the earth retaining system for the shaft excavation , the selection of the suitable tunnel boring machine (TBM) for SMART project, the ground water inside the ground. The smart tunnel project completed at end of January 2007 and started with the operation mode of storm water tunnel but however the Malaysia government has allocated a huge amount of money for flood control project drainage system in smart tunnel project but the smart tunnel is unable to curb flood in Kuala Lumpur flood hit after a few days of downpour 40 years ago but today, the nightmare return after an hour of heavy rain .Is it because the river getting slimmer. (Sin Chew Daily 2011). According to(The Star 2012) There are few selected flooding area even the smart tunnel are operating but it did not solve the flooding problem in those area like KampungBaru,Ampang, Jalan Bangsar,Ampang Jaya, Jalan Pinang and Jalan Sultan ismail. 1.2.1Research question How the excavation method is carried out? What is the major excavation problems occurred? How the operation mode is functions? What the selection characteristics have to be considered for tunnel boring machine? 1.3 Objective To study the excavation methods of smart tunnel To analyse the major problem during excavation To ascertain the mode of operation stage for smart tunnel To compare the selected tunnel boring machine with alternative (TBM) 1.4 Scopes of study The scopes of study are as follow: Due to the smart tunnel location the study for this topic will be conducted in the area of Kuala Lumpur, and the area will be focus on those area involved flood problem there are Kampung Baru, Ampang, Jalan Bangsar, Ampang Jaya, Jalan Pinang and Jalan Sultan Ismail. Furthermore to study the excavation method that only applied in the construction of smart tunnel and also the ground soil condition of the smart tunnel. After that will be study on the selection characteristic tunnel boring machine, lastly is the 3 mode of operation of smart tunnel 1.5 Research Methodology Introduction This section usually is to presents an overview of the process and method to use in the study of the topic and the aim of this study is to collect information such as what is the excavation selected method of smart tunnel, during the excavation what are the major problem occurred, how the operation mode is functioned and the consideration of characterise during selection of tunnel boring machine. 1.5.2 Primary data source Questionnaire and Interview The research that I am conducting is a plain research, which intends to find out the information of why the flooding problem is still occurring and the consideration while selecting the construction method. I am going to collect primary data through survey method by using both questionnaires and interviews. The reason for combining both questionnaire and interview methods is to collect both quantitative and qualitative information from respondents. Besides, collecting data through the survey method is quicker and economic. .By utilizing the questionnaires and interview in this research I able to comprise both the quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The purpose of the interviews is to obtain an insight into the respondents. This methodology will enable me to acquire more complete picture of respondents understanding of the smart tunnel and processes by them to produce answers. The main idea is let the respondents to make judgments based on the question. Paper and pen will be p repared for those respondents which will be held separately at different times. For questionnaires, I will be targeting 100 respondents, which consists of the public field member from age 20-60. Second question from the quantitative paradigm statistically compares data, this technique will be show the scores in the results and enable me to answer the question from the score. 1.5.3 Secondary data source -Literature review The literature review is one of the important processes in order to get more understanding what the construction method was selected. All the review can be collected from the relevant article, newspaper, internet and the references book. Through the review it can develop more understanding on the selected construction method of smart tunnel. The way to collect article and newspaper can be from internet and the references book can be found out a t the college library. 1.7 Outline Chapter Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter is the introduction to explain the reason to develop the smart tunnel project. In this chapter, it will look penetrate deeply to the selected excavation method of smart tunnel, the comparison between selected tunnel boring machine (TBM) with alternative (TBM) and also the mode of operation for Smart Tunnel in order to achieve the aim and the objective of the topic and by suggest of the research methodology to gather the relevant information. Chapter 2 Literature review For this chapter are going to collect the important relevant information from the article, newspaper, data from internet and also reference book from college library. The following information will be list down for understanding for this topic in order to achieve the objective of this topic. This Chapter will be mark down the information as the following: The selected excavation method for smart tunnel. The major problem and the solution during the excavation. The three mode of operation of smart tunnel. The selected tunnel boring machine and alternative tunnel boring machine. Chapter 3 Research Methodology For this chapter it will explain the process of the research, which means the way of the researcher to find out more information and to collect the required data for data analysis purpose. For my method I will go to use interview and questionnaire to achieve my objective. Chapter 4 Data Analysis For this chapter, all the data gathered from the interview and questionnaire will then be analysed after conduct the interview and questionnaires to the relevant manager and the 100 responder from the public field to collected primary data. It will be presented in table and histogram form in order to make a conclusion for this topic. Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation For this chapter it will base on the result obtained and write out the conclusion. Furthermore, base on the 4 chapter that was conducted out to write out the final summary for what have been studied is written. Chapter 2 Literature Review Introduction This chapter will present the general information about the excavation method of smart tunnel, the major excavation problem occurred in smart tunnel, the operation mode of the smart tunnel and the characterise between selected tunnel boring machine (TNB) and alternative TNB. Definition of excavation work Excavation consider is one of a the greatest hazardous and complex construction operations (Western Australia, 2005), excavation can divided to many type they are include of trench, deep foundation ,tunnel , shaft and also open excavation. The excavations describe as by removing the earth soil and formed a hollow or cavity earth surface. 2.2.1 The excavation method of smart tunnel The selection of excavation method of smart tunnel have consider and study by the project promoter MMC-GAMUDA joint venture and their consultants SSP in assocition with Mott MacDonald(SSP/MM) and come out with the result. According to Keizrul(2004) the choice of tunnel excavation method to have three choice there are i.e. cutcover,NATM and TBM . He point out that the cut cover method will take long time during the contraction process either selected method from bottom up or top down .On the other hand this method will be suitable for uncertain soil through the tunnelling. Furthermore according to sivalingam(2006) the meaning of cut and cover method for the smart tunnel are Lformed walls on high rock head part and secant pile walls keyed into the rock and tieback with anchors on part where the rock head drops. The rock was to be excavated by drilling and blasting as in a quarry, the walls supported by rock bolts and concrete. The same method was selected for the excavation of the shaf ts, egress ingress road trenches and of the junction boxes. Furthermore for NATM namely as New Austrian tunnelling .He have point out this method are suitable for the structure of soil to tunnel is completely understood. It will be not suitable to select this method when founded the ground condition are belong to non homogeneous material or cavity filled rock, the drill and blast. For the last excavation method point out by the Keizrul (2004) are TBM namely as Tunnel Boring Machine .The article show that the general type of TBM to pick to have three main function i.e. the open face machine for rock boring, the earth pressure balance (EPB) machine generally used for boring loose soil and the misxshield TBM for media comprising hard material interfaced with loose soil. Furthermore according to sivalingam(2006) The major excavation problem According to (Malcolm Puller, 1996) the common excavation problem will be occurred on site is the excessive deformation of the soil, soil support structure, and inadequate groundwater leaving out and not enough durability and strength of the soil support structure. Those are the major problem maybe occurred during the excavation stage. 2.3.1 The major excavation problem have occurred in smart tunnel 2.4. Operation mode of the smart tunnel The smart tunnel consisting 3 type of the operation mode, the operation mode will be based on the flood condition at the upstream of Klang River and Ampang River. (Mohd saleh santhiman Looi Hong Weei,2006,) Figure_____Tunnel operation mode Figure_____Cross section of the motorway tunnel Mode Name Description 2.4.1 Mode 1 Normal condition In this mode of condition where the motorway of tunnel are allow for the driver to access ,where there are no storm or low rainfall, does not have any flood water will be diverted into the (SMART) system 2.4.2 Mode 2 Most storms In this mode of condition where the motorway of tunnel are still allow for the driver to access and the (SMART) system will be activated, the stormwater from moderate rainfall is diverted into the bypass tunnel at the invert level(lowers segment)of the motorway tunnel. 2.4.3 Mode 3 Major Storms In this mode of condition where the motorway of tunnel will be closed to traffic. The whole tunnel will be used to mitigate the stormwater.Once the flood water level have reach a limit , in a sufficient time will be evacuate all passenger vehicles and automated water gates are activated to occupy the flood water. The anticipated duration of switching to from mode 2 to mode 3 is estimated to be about one hour. After the flood recede, the targeted duration for tunnel reopening is minimum of two days to enable for flood dewatering and cleaning. 2.5 Tunnel Boring Machine Now a days the tunnel boring machine are become popular in the construction industry while the project involved of the tunnelling process, compare with the traditional excavation method by using the tunnel boring machine the excavation process become safer, and economic for creating underground space. There is different type of the machines an example for hard ground tunnelling will be use slurry machine and rock machine, for soft ground tunnelling will be use earth pressure balance machine. (IMIA Conference Istanbul, 2009) The main function of the tunnel boring machine is to excavate tunnel with the machine and across and remove the soil component there are include variety and soil and hard rock. 2.5.1 The characterise between selected tunnel boring machine (TNB) and alternative TBM to the (MMC-GAMUDA JV, 2009) following is the based criteria for the smart tunnel: General Geotechnical 1)The delivery time of smart tunnel must be short ,not more than one year time in order to prevent the delay of the contract program 1)The tunnel boring machine should able to process excavation under the following situation: 2) Due to the ground condition are complex the smart tunnel must be design and build to survive along the drive. 2) -The tunnel consist 70% of Limestone formation namely as marble. -The North end consist 25% of full face mine tailings -5% of the tunnel in Kenny Hill formation 3) Large, 12,25m excavation diameter 3)High groundwater table close to surface 4) )Able to negotiate tight R=200m curves; tunnel design R=250m curves 4) Extremely high permeability at open karsic solution channels 5) Low overburden: Minimum0.9D, Maximum 1.5D 5) Below of rockhead the slump zone are in the overburden 6) The tunnel should affect the environment due to the tunnel is surround the city. 6) Due to the cyclical water table changes or during earthquakes the tunnel naturally occurring sinkholes 7)Restricted access to alignment at 2/3d of the cases for ground treatment 7) Highly variable, pinnacle rockhead causing frequent mixed face condition (TBM) Selection technical comparison points The following table are refer to (MMC-GAMUDA JV, 2009) Description Herrenknecht Hitachi Kawasaki Mitsubishi NFM General 25 14 13 6 24 Cutter head 85 53 57 33 72 Drive 65 63 50 43 62 Shield 44 30 27 21 29 Segment Handling 35 22 24 20 35 Probe drilling 10 7 7 6 12 Manlocks 17 16 8 8 24 Trailer 26 18 18 12 26 GuidanceMonitoring 44 28 31 27 42 Service 75 53 40 41 78 Slurry system 49 41 43 37 55 Total 475 345 318 254 459 Due to the higher mark and the price and delivery time is most suitable for the smart tunnel project therefore the project team have selected the Herrenknecht machine for tunnelling part. The selected tunnel boring machine C:UsersJackyDesktoptbm.jpg Figure__ showing the cross section of the herrenknecht tunnel boring machine The characterise of the herrenknecht tunnel boring machine as following table are refer to (MMC-GAMUDA JV, 2009) 1)Cutter head diameter 13.260mm Length of shield: 10.245mm 2)Drive 4.000kW hydraulic Weight of shield: 1.500t 3) Rotation 0-3rpm Thrust cylinders: 48nos 4)Displacement thrust force:28.9KN Max.thrust 94.5KN 5)Length of machine:71m Grout line:8nos 6)Two trailer cars on haunch rails Guidance:VMT SLS-APD 7)Weight of machine: 2.500t Tailseal: 3ros,wie brushes Disc cutters:76 Nos Special features of the Herrenknecht tunnel boring machine According to the (MMC-GAMUDA JV, 2009) there are few special feature of the herrenknecht tunnel boring machine there are include as following: The Spherical main bearing are able to negotiate tight up to minimum R200m curves By using herrenknecht tunnel boring machine the movement along the drive are easier to cutter replacement due to the cutterhead retraction up to 400m by axial displacement. Articelated tailskin to negotiate to tight curves The tunnel boring machine is able to detect the karstic features and mixed face condition by using the cutter head tilt moment indicator. Two probe drilling rigs in fixed downward looking position, mounted on the erector the rig could drill through any port in the skin. The selected tunnel boring machine Summary

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Egyptian Pyramids Essay -- Egypt Pyramid

In the deserts of Egypt lie the colossal remains of an ancient civilization. These enormous works of human endeavor are the only member of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World that time has passed down to us. These are, of course, the great pyramids of ancient Egypt. But these imposing structures were not built to impress civilization millennia down the road. The pyramids in fact had a purpose to the ancient Egyptians. While they seem very simple in nature, as they are simply four-sided pyramids with square bases, they had a meaning for those that had them built. Even by today’s standards, the pyramids of ancient Egypt were an impressive feat of engineering, due to their enormous size, both in building materials and finished product. Indeed, there is more to these mysterious pyramids of the ancient Egyptians than meets the eye. Before a decent discussion of the pyramids is begun, a bit of background history must be set forth. The ancient Egyptian empire lasted for over 3,000 years, beginning at around 3,100 BCE and ending just shy of 300 years before the dawn of the Common Era. Historians break up the empire chronologically into nine separate eras. The second of these eras, known as the Old Kingdom, is when all of the pyramid construction took place, and dates from 2,686-2,181 BCE (Edwards 1). During this era, Egypt’s kings and queens were buried inside these pyramids. Presently, there are about ninety such pyramids—or remains of pyramids—which stretch along the desert just to the west of the Nile River (Edwards 2). The previous style of burial of Egyptian pharaohs was the mastaba, a flat-roofed structure made of brick. However, at the beginning of the Old Kingdom, stone was introduced as a building material. Building with... ...never be known, but some, such as Senefuru and Khufu have, in a sense, reached immortality. Imhotep, the architect of many of these great monuments, has too become immortalized in history as being one of the first known architects as a result of his work on the pyramids. These pyramids have solidified these ancient rulers as well as others in the pages of history. These pyramids have stood the test of time, and most likely, thousands of years from now, when all our modern skyscrapers have either toppled or been dismantled, the pyramids of the ancient Egyptians will still stand tranquilly in the desert and invoke the same mystery and inspiration to the future generations who gaze at them. Works Cited Edwards, I.E.S. The Pyramids of Egypt. Middlesex, England: Viking Books, 1985. Fakhry, Ahmed. The Pyramids. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1961.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Huntingtons Disease :: Essays Papers

Huntington's Disease Huntington's Disease (HD) is a dominant genetic disorder. Each child of a person who has HD has a 50% chance of inheriting the disease, and the disease does not skip a generation. HD is caused by a larger than normal CAG repeat in the Huntington gene. This larger than normal CAG repeat produces an abnormal protein that begins to kill brain cells when the person who has the gene reaches middle age. The loss of these cells causes intense symptoms and eventually death. HD was named after Dr. George Huntington. In 1872, he was the first person to document an accurate description of the symptoms and course of the disease. At the time he called it â€Å"hereditary chorea†. The Huntington gene was discovered in 1993 by the Huntington Study Group. The CAG repeats in the Huntington gene, which is located on chromosome 4, code for the protein huntingtin. The larger than normal number of CAGs in a person with HD causes the huntingtin protein to be abnormal, which leads to symptoms. Even though every cell in the body has the gene, only the cells in the brain seem to be affected. A person has two alleles for every gene. One allele is inherited from the mother and one allele is inherited from the father. If either allele of the Huntington gene has the larger than normal CAG repeat, the person will have HD. If neither allele has the larger than normal CAG repeat, the person will not have HD and will not pass it on. When a person has children, only one allele of each gene is passed on. If a person with HD passes on the allele with the larger than normal CAG repeat, the child will have HD. If the allele with the normal CAG is passed on, the child will not have HD. Early signs of HD are mood swings, irritability, depression, memory loss, and uncontrolled movements. As the disease progresses, it becomes more difficult to walk and speak. Also, memory and intellectual functions continue to decline. A person who has a chance of inheriting HD can be tested any time after they reach the age of 21. Testing for the HD gene entails a blood sample genetic test that analyzes DNA for HD mutation by counting the number of CAG repeats in the HD gene region. A person will not get HD if their CAG repeats are lower than 30. Huntington's Disease :: Essays Papers Huntington's Disease Huntington's Disease (HD) is a dominant genetic disorder. Each child of a person who has HD has a 50% chance of inheriting the disease, and the disease does not skip a generation. HD is caused by a larger than normal CAG repeat in the Huntington gene. This larger than normal CAG repeat produces an abnormal protein that begins to kill brain cells when the person who has the gene reaches middle age. The loss of these cells causes intense symptoms and eventually death. HD was named after Dr. George Huntington. In 1872, he was the first person to document an accurate description of the symptoms and course of the disease. At the time he called it â€Å"hereditary chorea†. The Huntington gene was discovered in 1993 by the Huntington Study Group. The CAG repeats in the Huntington gene, which is located on chromosome 4, code for the protein huntingtin. The larger than normal number of CAGs in a person with HD causes the huntingtin protein to be abnormal, which leads to symptoms. Even though every cell in the body has the gene, only the cells in the brain seem to be affected. A person has two alleles for every gene. One allele is inherited from the mother and one allele is inherited from the father. If either allele of the Huntington gene has the larger than normal CAG repeat, the person will have HD. If neither allele has the larger than normal CAG repeat, the person will not have HD and will not pass it on. When a person has children, only one allele of each gene is passed on. If a person with HD passes on the allele with the larger than normal CAG repeat, the child will have HD. If the allele with the normal CAG is passed on, the child will not have HD. Early signs of HD are mood swings, irritability, depression, memory loss, and uncontrolled movements. As the disease progresses, it becomes more difficult to walk and speak. Also, memory and intellectual functions continue to decline. A person who has a chance of inheriting HD can be tested any time after they reach the age of 21. Testing for the HD gene entails a blood sample genetic test that analyzes DNA for HD mutation by counting the number of CAG repeats in the HD gene region. A person will not get HD if their CAG repeats are lower than 30.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tis Pity Shes A Whore by John Ford Essay -- John Ford Tis Pity Whore

"Tis Pity She's A Whore" by John Ford In this play it would be impossible to accurately assess this idea commenting on Annabella and Giovanni as a single entity. They are extremely different characters with their only common ground being the love they have for each other, and even this is expressed in distinctly different ways with subsequently different consequences. These consequences build up to the conclusion referred to in the question, and so it would also prove hard to answer it directly without having previously discussed what has come before and created such conclusion. At the beginning of the play, I believe that the audience is intended to sympathise with Giovanni. Although his actions are described as 'devilish atheism', this is counterbalanced by his modest language which contrasts greatly to later on in the play. He refers to the Friar as 'Gentle Father' and this humble way of addressing him gives the audience the impression that Giovanni is genuinely asking for help and wants to be 'cured'. Although he argues against much of what the Friar says, his respect for him is obvious as he agrees to take his advice. This may not have carried much weight for the Caroline audience for which this would have been performed, however, as the religion of the English at this time was Protestant, making Catholicism not the favoured denomination. It has even been stated that Ford presented the characters in this play so faulted because of their religious beliefs and nationality, both of which were seen as the enemy. Throughout this scene, Giovanni is attempting to justify his actions and convince the Friar that what he is doing is right, by playing on the religious idea that there is one father, and ... compassion about the consequences of this distorted self-image. (I know I've missed out a bit here, but I think 4 pages is enough and I don't think I could sit here for another  ½ hour.) In conclusion, at the beginning of the play sympathy is possible for both characters. Annabella earns more than this during the course of the play, and is likely to be admired by the audiences from both eras, though would probably have been seem as more promiscuous in the time of writing than would be perceived now. Giovanni on the other hand, through use of apocalyptic figurative language shows a too high opinion of himself and is presented as too self-absorbed to induce anything other than contempt. This is accentuated by the death of Annabella being caused by such traits and highlighted by the irony that she had remained to true to him just to die by his hand.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Swot: Shopping Mall and Similar Stalls

. SWOT Matrix |STRENGTHS |WEAKNESS | |FEATURES OF USB WATCH |MARKETING SERVICES AGENCIES | |As the USB watch has the USB the watch can also have an alarm and |As the product is new to the market it would be difficult to | |timer. increase the sales because people still don’t know about the | | |product and if they would accept the product. | |DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRODUCT |FORMS OF USB | |The product is not yet known to most of the people and making it |The product remains vulnerable to the possibility that innovation | |distributed in Alabang especially in Festival Mall and Alabang |may falter over time. |Town Center that are commonly known to them. The product can be | | |sold at CD-R King or any similar stalls. | | |FASHIONABLE WATCH | | |The USB watch has different styles and colors that make the wearer| | |stylish. | |OPPORTUNITIES |THREATS | |JOINT VENTURES OR STRATEGIC ALLIANCES |WEAK BRAND NAME | |Joining CD-R king and other similar stalls that allow the product|As a new in the industry in producing a USB watch competing with | |to be introduced in the market and knowing that they are easily |a known brand like Timex. |found on malls. | | |MATERIALS ARE RECYCLED |FAST CHANGING ENVIRONMENT | |If the product can be made through recycled parts of a computer |As the people are changing what they think would be needed in | |it could make our product in a cheaper cost. |making their life convenient and having many alternatives in the | | |form of USB like pens. | |FINANCIAL CRISIS | | |As the economy slows the purchasing power of people would decline| | |and they would prefer buying their primary need. |

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Money should not be an issue to receive treatment Marisel Diaz Essay

Introduction The Healthcare Reform policy sounds very complicated, even for our House of Representatives, which has been dealing with it for the past years. And for regular citizens, it is extremely complex to understand as well. During the Progressive Era, President Theodore Roosevelt was a strong supporter of health insurance. He believed that â€Å"no country could be strong whose people were sick and poor.† These days, we also have someone who shares the same philosophy, Senator Bernie Sanders, who is advocating for Universal Healthcare. I also share the same idea as Senator Sanders, that if we need to fix the Healthcare system, it should be in order to improve the life of all, not only of those who are able to afford it.   Despite the efforts of President Barack Obama, 27.6 million Americans still are without health insurance today (Kaiser, pg. 1). The insurance system is very complicated America’s Healthcare system has different kinds of insurance. For instance, life insurance, car insurance, home insurance; but only healthcare insurance becomes more complicated and more expensive. Currently, the United States uses a combination of public and private healthcare, and the cost is one of the highest in the world. Insurance. Is a contract between the insurer and insured, whereby the insurer undertakes to pay the insured a fixed amount in exchange of a fixed sum (premium) on the happening of a certain event (like at in a certain age or at death), or compensate the actual loss when it takes place, due to the risk insured. High prices for premiums. The amount health insurance companies charge each month for coverage. It must be paid every month, regardless of whether you use the services or not. For instance, premiums can be paid by the employers, shared by both the employees and the insured, and the plan’s sponsor. Deductibles. The deductible is a level expenditure that must be incurred before any benefits are paid out. Health insurance policies generally have yearly deductibles, which is less effective in removing moral hazard (Dewar, pg. 59). Coinsurance. Coinsurance is the proportion of the total expenditure that is paid by the insured. Coinsurance helps to reduce the moral hazard factor for the insured who has spent more than his or her deductible because healthcare is not free to the consumer (Dewar, pg. 59) Today, 27 million people have no health insurance The majority of people who are left uninsured are from low-income families or even moderate-income families that simply cannot afford the high prices of insurance, do not have the option of obtaining insurance through their jobs, live in states where Medicaid was not expanded, or simply are immigrants who are not eligible for coverage. A solution to the high prices of health care and uninsured citizens would be the adoption of a universal healthcare system. For instance, Canada has a national health insurance program, which is basically a government-run health insurance system covering the entire population. Universal care has proven to be less expensive and would likely improve health care access and outcomes for Americans (Gleason & Ridic, pg. 4). In addition, nationalized health care is a logical, moral imperative for the U.S., and it should be a right, not a privilege. One of the advantages of adopting a national health insurance will be the significant economic advantage because the entire population will have access to health care regardless of money. Most cases of bankruptcy are not caused by reckless spending. According to, most citizens claim bankruptcy by financial hardship, and many of them are low-income individuals who cannot afford to pay unexpected major expenses, for instance, due to job losses or medical bills. According to a study published in early 2005, 46 percent of bankruptcies were related to outstanding medical conditions. For example, medical expenses not covered by insurance, or losing at least two weeks’ worth of work because of illness (Krulick, 2012). Additionally, copayments will be insignificant to pay. Citizens will not be filing for bankruptcy due to lack of money. Another advantage will be that physicians will receive payments on a negotiated fee service, and hospitals will receive global budget payments. Cons of adopting Universal Healthcare (Single payer system) In order to see the cons of the system, we should take a look at the outcomes and technology. I will remark that financial barrier does not exist. A research shows that approximately fifty-six percent of the respondents in Canada believed their health care system requires minor changes, and only five percent of the population think that Canada’s healthcare system needs complete rebuilding (Blendon, Leitman & Morrison, pg. 7).   Overall, Canadians are very content with their healthcare system.  The waiting list for diagnosis and surgery exist in Canada. The U.S. could experience waiting lists as well. The reason why Canada has been experiencing a waiting list could be because the government is currently spending less on healthcare than in other years. However, when Taiwan made the switch, wait times were not an issue. This could be different depending on the size of our population and how many people would utilize care once it is available to them. Higher taxes. Canada tax system represents the main revenue. Many of the benefits that Canadians enjoy are made possible through taxes. For instance, the government provides roads, schools, healthcare, social security, public safety, and others benefits to low-income families, charities, students, seniors, and people with disabilities. Tax revenues provide social benefits. Old age security, Canada child tax, working income tax, universal child care benefits. Canadian residents support their tax system by paying their fair share of taxes, and in return, they benefit from the programs and services provided by their government. Importation of drugs from other countries. Senator Bernie Sanders proposes a â€Å"rule that would allow pharmaceutical companies to charge fair prices for drugs developed with taxpayer-backed research.† It sounds very logical since all citizens are paying for it, prices for American citizens should be more economical. In 2013, per capita, spending on prescription drugs was $858 compared with an average of $400 for nineteen other industrialized nations (Kesselheim & Ross, pg. 12). We should be able to negotiate prescription drug prices. According to GoodRx discount, a 30-tablet supply of Invokana at a 100 mg dose will set you back $411 at Walgreens in the U.S., even with a coupon. Meanwhile, a month’s supply of that same dose of Invokana in Canada costs about $234. Having a competition in the market helps to reduce prices and open choices for patients or consumers. Importing prescription drugs from other countries will help to lower the prices and improve the quality as well. Another way could be, perhaps, the use of technology such as virtual doctor appointments. Innovation is a risk, but we will never know if we do not try it out. Additionally, the life style would be improved. Reducing poverty in the U.S. should be the most important thing to do. Inequities in the structure of societal resources vary and can be striking. According to Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, â€Å"A population’s health is shaped 10% by the physical envi ronment, 20% by clinical health care (access and quality), 30% by health behaviors (themselves largely determined by social and physical environments), and 40% by social and economic factors.† (Senterfitt et al., 2013). Sometimes, the perception of paying more does not necessary means or makes things better. Conclusion: Despite having one of the best healthcare systems in the world, the bureaucracy that governs the healthcare industry has to be transformed to be more effective and to promote health, not just mitigate illnesses. References American Bankruptcy Institute. (2012). Annual Business and Non-business Filings by Year (1980-2011). Retrieved from, J.W., Long, A., Shih, M., & Teutsch, S.M. (2013). How Social and Economic Factors Affect Health. Social Determinants of Health, Issue no.1. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

Tata Travel Trailer

The purchase budget and cash budget are lot simpler, since the amount related to production Is the same every month. The budgets assuming stable production benefit the production department, the purchase department, and the human resource department. It helps all these departments easily manage all kinds of resources and activities on a stable level. Disadvantage of preparing master budgets assuming stable productions: 1. If sales are seasonal, stable productions may cause inventory under stock during the best sales season and may cause inventory overstock during the poor sales season.It would Increase the Inventory and additional finance needed. Data should plan the production budgets based on sales forecast. In order to encourage the manager's to work as a team, Tat's bonus system could set an overall goal, for example, the net Income. The bonus will be earned 10% If overall goal Is reached. Second, Data should prepare flexible budgets to estimate total cost for the different level s of satellites. For example, to access purchase budget performance, compare the actual purchase with the budget recess on ten same production level.It could Aviva punishing ten purchase manger in order to keeping the amount of raw material on hand policy set by production manager. Using flexible purchase budget holds responsibility for variances only under purchase manager's control and truly reflect the efficiency and actual performance. Third, other measurement should be in a place in order to attain the organization's overall performance. For sales manager, the percentage of retiree customers in total sales is used to measure the continuing sales growth for Data.For production manager, the warranty expense and customer's complaints for poor quality can be used to measure how well Tat's products meet the market expectation. For the purchase manager, handling material in time can be used to measure to ensure Tat's production is under schedule. Also the Just-in-time vendor contract can be used to measure the performance of purchase manager, since it would lower the material cost. For finance manager, loan management can be used to measure the performance, since Tat's uneven sale, managing cash inflow and outflow are important for Data to meet payments due.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Road Traffic Noise

1 . R O A D T R A F F I C N O I S E S T R A T E G Y As our towns and cities continue to grow, so too does the volume of traffic travelling on our roads. While this traffic represents an essential part of society's development and prosperity, it is also a growing source of concern for the community. This paper discusses many of the issues relating to the impact of road traffic noise on the community. Section 1 outlines the proposed Road Traffic Noise Strategy, its scope, development and how you can contribute. Section 2 contains information on the ffects, levels and sources of traffic noise, and outlines the current programs that contribute to reductions in road traffic noise in Victoria. 1. 1 Scope and Purpose of this Paper This background paper is the start of a process to develop an integrated Road Traffic Noise Strategy (the strategy) for Victoria. This background paper:  · explains what a road traffic noise strategy is;  · explains how the strategy will be developed, includin g how you can contribute to the process;  · provides information about the effects, levels and sources of road traffic noise in Victoria Section 2); and  · outlines current programs that address road traffic noise issues (Section 2). 1. 2 What is a Road Traffic Noise Strategy? A road traffic noise strategy is a plan for managing the noise from motor vehicles on the road network. The strategy will guide the activity of government, business and the community to achieve reductions in road traffic noise over time. Solutions to address road traffic noise are not often found in a single program but rely on combinations of programs. The strategy therefore needs a broad range of tools for reducing the impact of road traffic oise. An integrated traffic noise strategy will require administration from a number of organisations to implement the elements of the strategy over the short, medium and long term. The strategy will contain a range of tools such as:  · a State environment protecti on policy (SEPP) for providing the policy framework and setting legal standards for noise levels from roads;  · national processes for the development of regulations and programs to reduce noise from the motor vehicle;  · programs for managing noise from roads by VicRoads and local government

Friday, September 13, 2019

Distinction between Heath and Illness in Context with the Medical Assignment

Distinction between Heath and Illness in Context with the Medical Anthropology - Assignment Example Finding the differences between the two notions seems to be useful in medical anthropological context since diseases are mainly concerned with the biomedical curing, while illness involves both biomedical curing as well as psychological treatment. The psychological factor encompasses the perception of the patient’s emotions, which forms the basic concept in the field of Anthropology. Thus, for example the disease which includes measles can be cured by biomedical medicines, whereas illness which may include both mental and physical disorders need to be treated accordingly. In this context, an explanatory model reveals how individuals sense their illness and the related experiences of it. The explanatory model are usually used to explain â€Å"how people view their illness in terms of how it happens, what causes it, how it affects them, and what will make them feel better† (â€Å"Explanatory Model† ). Thus one of the advantages of the explanatory model would be, it can assist in the integration of clinical, epidemiological and other social science related aspects of diseases and illnesses, thereby enhancing the depth of the scientific understanding of any diseases and illness. ... four major steps: 1) With the effective background of the cultural myth, and under the culture specific symbols, both the experiences of the healed and the healers becomes generalized. 2) The patient’s problem is described by the healer in the form of a myth. 3) Patient’s emotions are attached to the transactional symbols from the general myth 4) Finally, the healer manipulates those transactional symbols skillfully and help the patient transact his/her emotions. (Waldram). Variations in the structure of this symbolic healing happens when the treatment has to be fastened and due to certain culturally specific symbols. The basic crux of all these symbolic healing methods is, the healing process involves â€Å"an ontological shift for the patient into a particularized mythic world.† (Dow 61). A symbolic healing can be considered a success and even possible when that particularized mythic world is present for both the healer as well as the patient, and importantly, when the patient fully agrees to the power of the healer to judge and de?ne the patient’s relationship to it. When this healing is compared with biomedical curing, the difference is the focus on mind in the case of healing, while the focus is on the physical body in later case. In general the psychosocial factors become one of the neglected areas in biomedical curing. Thus the biomedical curing can be considered as a historic shift from the ways the doctors carried out their practice. That is, in the case of symbolic healing the patient’s emotions are centered, while in biomedical curing the body rather than the mind is targeted. Brief description of Medicalization, pregnancy and Demedicalization with suitable examples Medicalization can be defined as a process in which many key non-medical aspects of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Methodologies and Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Methodologies and Methods - Essay Example Research design defined generally is the form or framework the experimenter uses to get the results of the study. There are many different kinds of research designs, both qualitative and quantitative, and flexible designs represent qualitative for the most part, whereas fixed designs represent quantitative type studies. There are also mixed designs. Quantitative research designs such as the one proposed for the current research serve the purpose of showing causal motivations, observing present conditions and longitudinal comparisons, and establishing relationships with evidence from a sample size that is generally large or, in some cases, deferred to a larger statistical research body (Robson, 2002). Qualitative The key theories behind qualitative research involve the development of research questions, rather than the formulation of absolutes through testable hypotheses. The research instrument is definitely qualitative in nature if it represents a standardized measurement test that is predetermined before the research has even taken place, through measurements taken in other studies using the same survey instrument. This is not the type of measurement tool that is necessarily malleable to researcher interaction with the survey group or the addition of new research questions as they come up, which also makes it a less strong methodology in terms of qualitative features. The qualitative approach is perhaps less appropriate for this research because the author is assumedly examining a survey group of more than twenty individuals, and needs a standardized sort of quantitative test to keep data collection simple. In the case of the research experiment, the qualitative study will seek to find common themes and areas of possibility for further study. The descriptive phase follows, in which the demographic and statistical information on the target population and target program emulations are determined in respective forms of their completeness and efficiency as repres entative statistics and program models. Quantitative Quantitative methods are suitable for studies into social issues, despite their scientific background and trappings, because they provide demonstrable measurements which can be attributed to larger populations. Even with a relatively small sample size, quantitative research can present results and findings in a way that is verifiable, reliable, and has a degree of repeatability. In other words, a small survey can be reused with a larger population. Overall there are many different facets of methodology that can be applied to an experimental design. This is a generalization that can be made about these different types of designs, which have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Surveys and experiments are examples of fixed research designs, which are more quantitative than qualitative and have more aspects of this type of theory. Quantitative studies such as the one outlined in the current report’s proposed methodol ogy tend to rely on hard data and statistics that can provide generalizable results about a population, whereas qualitative studies could be more of a case example or subjective viewpoint. As the extant literature states about the difference between fixed and flexible designs, â€Å"Flexible research designs are much more difficult to pin down than fixed designs. This is in part because it is only in recent

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Econimc Growth without Environmental Damage Essay

Econimc Growth without Environmental Damage - Essay Example However, action has to be taken immediately due to what happened in the past. Nevertheless, it does not matter at what stage of economic growth the country is at that moment. It has since been proven, as it will be seen later in the text, both economic growth and environmental conservation can run con-currently. Moreover, this occurrence has the ability to benefit economies financially and with greater gains than before if properly executed. The first and foremost way to deal with this situation is proper planning for the eventualities of economic growth. Since experience has given important lessons of what could happen if economic growth is not monitored, it is therefore, sensible to use this knowledge as an advantage. Planning for the environment should coincide with when policies for economic growth are made. Therefore, the tendency to pursue economic growth blindly without environmental policies and only clean up after it becomes affordable is avoided (Clapp & Dauvergne 352). Cou ntries should start concentrating on exploiting renewable sources of energy. This is especially for countries that have achieved considerable economic growth without regards to its effect to the environment. It will ensure continuing economic growth while environmental damage is greatly reduced (Vollebergh 34). For many countries and governments, this may be most convenient way and at times the only way to salvage the situation. Since the reality is that, many nations lack the financial ability to take a step towards environmental conservation at the expense of the economy. The message of sustainable development should be spread everywhere. It is natural that many governments will not be willing to tell its people to stop doing things that give them money as producers or pleasure as consumers (Sackman 50). However, by letting people understand the logic behind this idea, it will enable them to understand the connection between population growth, economic growth and environmental deg radation in that respect other than individually. The impact may not be drastic but will sink in with time and with experience. Consequently, people will be willing to sacrifice themselves in whatever way for the conservation of their environment, which in reality determines their comfort and better yet, their longevity. The quickest way to reduce environmental degradation is through public and private partnership through investing in research, development expenditure and human capital skills (Pearce & Barbier 32). The private sector has played a fair share and can even be said to have collaborated in destroying the environment as the government endeavored to create favorable conditions for investment so as to stir economic growth. It is also economical for economies that are not stable enough to initiate and sustain environmental programs before revenue begins to flow in again. The partnership should enable investment in technology that remedies or assists in remedying the current environmental situation in the world. There is also need for Technological innovation, invention and advancement that can assist in avoiding long and expensive procedures. However, it does not go unnoticed that there are some steps that have been made towards this direction. There are windmills and solar panels that enable large-scale harnessing of wind and solar power respectively; genetically modified crops, manufacture of environmental-friendly cars that use

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example n that health care units are normally used by upper class people of high income groups (HIG) who are health conscious and wish to remain fit and trim. It could be used by children, adolescents, men and women and also elderly people. In the case of prospective location, Newcastle in UK, it is seen that percentage population above age of 60 years is 18.7%. Again, children within 18 years constitute 18.3% of the population. (Newcastle upon tyne central 2007). It is seen that in the context of current competitors’ charges, in most cases the prices are more or less equal for fitness services rendered, through use of machines or physical training, swimming pools, etc. Coming now to the second part of the question, it could be said that the main duty of a Geographical Information System (GIS) is to store, analyze, manage and present data which is connected with location. â€Å"Geography plays a role in nearly every decision we make. Choosing sites, targeting market segments, planning distribution networks, responding to emergencies, or redrawing country boundaries—all of these problems involve questions of geography.† (What is GIS). It is necessary that information needs to be associated with locations. Thus the latter plays a very determinant part in business strategy for bonding with customers or setting new plants. Again it is seen that Choosing a site, targeting a market segment, planning a distribution network, zoning a neighbourhood, allocating resources, and responding to emergencies—all these problems involve questions of geography. (Geography matters 2008). It is believed that retail business of the kind carried out by Tesco could greatly benefit by GIS. â€Å"Businesses maintain information about sales, customers, inventory, demographic profiles, and mailing lists, all of which have geographic locations. Therefore, business managers, marketing strategists, financial analysts, and professional planners increasingly rely on GIS to organize, analyze,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Isolated By The Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Isolated By The Internet - Essay Example The positive outcomes of the internet revolution are many. But there are negative aspects also. Stoll brings forth researched viewpoints of the psychologists and personal observations supported by documented studies in support of his stand. Stoll quotes facts from the research conducted by Carnegie Mellon University psychologists Robert Kraut and Vicki Lundmark. (393)Some top-ranking computer companies aided the research project but the outcome is not to their favor. The findings are â€Å"[a]fter following the study group, the psychologists found an average increase in depression by about 1 percent for every hour spent online per week.†(393)Another finding is, social relationships online develop at the cost of the individual to individual social involvement. Good and bad effects of internet In a well-written article, Stoll presents good and bad effects of internet and how people are isolated by it, by too much dependency. He mentions how â€Å"one friend tells how she found a support group for an obscure medical condition.†(392) It is a well-known fact that many youngsters have entered into wedlock by corresponding/chatting through the internet. Wired family members are able to keep in touch through email and such communications have become popular. Stoll admits without hesitation â€Å"the electronic virtual community is a positive social development† (393). Internet causes degrading communication skills according to psychologist Kimberly Young. (396)He also uses College and University reports to support his viewpoints. Stoll employs UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) loneliness Scale for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale to show that on average depression increase 1 percent for every hour a person is online per week (393). This is an alarming finding. The limitations of the advantages of internet Stoll is an expert on computer security and is well-versed about the technical aspects of the use and impact of computers in t he day to day life of an individual. He makes clear the isolating factors and states that internet offers anonymity. To manage too many relationships demands time and energy and the chance of developing meaningful relationships are too little. Non-personal contacts within the information highway are fine for some time, video games offer a release from reality and a distraction from depression, but they are not long-term solutions for the betterment of the society. People make friendships with many through the internet, without knowing why for they are doing so. Every relationship should have a purpose, and with too many contacts, the purpose is lost. Thus, one addicted to the internet, one develops complications in personality. Control technology, otherwise it will control you Internet use has caused many new social and psychological conditions. The issue with us is we take the benefits of the technological progress and advantages of the internet revolution for granted. Technology c an be an important tool in providing plenty and prosperity to the life of an individual in monetary terms, but one must accept and adopt it in suitable increments, to get the real benefit. If your gain is at the cost of happiness of your family life, it is not good to chase such gains. Stoll urges people to consider the harms of internet use from the viewpoints of children and its overall impact on family life. It is causing dent in the family values, reducing the time of personal interactions, and distances one from the realities of life. Many office-goers bring their work home and have no time to interact with children. Their playtime is robbed by the office files and procedures and the