Saturday, August 31, 2019

What is recruitment and selection?

What is recruitment and selection? [In other words, the process where an organization collect a number of people who met requirements and qualified for that organization] Selection is†¦.. During both processes R&S, an organization has to justify why they are going to choose particular methods to recruit and select people in a capable pool, that is to say, what elements or what under considerations which they use to influence their decisions before recruiting and selecting peopleAttraction and Retention The definition of recruitment is the process of generating a pool of capable people to apply an organization for employment. therefore this means that there is a need to generate people’s interest to apply for the job. This means that people have choice to choose This is why an organization has to consider this strategic choice. To be precise, attraction means†¦. For the internal sources this is associated with retention which meansWhen considering attraction and reten tion strategy, an organization might first of all apply the concept of Fitting the person to the environment, organization As this diagram illustrates In an organization Whereas HR plocies will be designed to achevive particular organizational targets and goals, those policies also provide an opportunity for individual needs to emerge and be satisfied. This view assumes that a fit between a person and the environment can be found so that commitment and performance are enhance (Kristof, 1996).This not only gives a high performance advantages but also lead to â€Å"retention† Criticism However, commentator have Doubted whether such mutuality could develop on the basis of equality because organizational need would always be superiority. In typical form of profit-organistaion, the issue of profits maybe considered outweight individual needs. Competencies Another important element when considering attraction and retention strategy in recruitment and selection is to set out, what i s it referred as â€Å"competencies† which are developed within the organization.A set of behavior patterns that the incumbent needs to bring to a position in order to perform its tasks an functions with competence. (The ability, skills and knowledge obtained by candidates and relevantly required and matched with organizational goals and targets) For instance, In large financial services organisations in the UK set out its competencies for example self-control †¦. etc If we look at Lloyds TBS’s, one of large financial services, it provides its vision and projected image of its organisation that

Friday, August 30, 2019

Performing and Visual Arts Essay

Visual and performing arts enhance our lives in a variety of ways. When spanning from things inherent in nature such as the instance of a sunset, sunrise, or perhaps a full moon, to the most mundane and seemingly inane instance of body piercings or an arm tattoo. Art constitutes myriad meanings, translating differently from one individual to the next. Among its broadest categories however, aside from visual arts such as painting – music, theater and dance relates to a significant aspect of performance art. Painting, of course, is a form of visual art which has long taken a prominent place in the art world. Artists express their sentiments and ideologies through brushes and paint indulging in these said worldviews and inspiration by way of paper or canvass. But more than creativity, the discipline requires an amount of coherence and structure on the artist’s part . The use of watercolors for instance, is perhaps the trickiest and difficult medium to master or ‘dabble in ‘ where painting is concerned. Watercolor Painting commands the artist’s ability with the brush, and the delicate balance of mixing the colors with the aforementioned liquid. Oil paintings on the other hand, appear to have the greatest depth visually than any other painting medium, and the concept of oil on canvass always rings a prominent tune where the subject of art is concerned. But artists who paint by the said medium deals with the instance of its messy process , of the relatively unpleasant smells it yields, and the stretching period of time by which it dries . The opposite of which, is perhaps that of acrylic, which takes a faster time to dry, thereby dictating the time by which the artist is to finish the painting in question. The use of acrylics is also the most versatile of medium, its end result approximating, or appearing to emulate a painting done by watercolor, gouache, oil, and so on. Gouache is a medium in painting which can be synonymous with watercolor, because of the similar element existing in both medium that is water. But gouache colors appear heavier than watercolors, and dry to a rich opaque color. Because it is thinned down by water, and doesn’t rely heavily on it as watercolors do, it is as less difficult to work with. At most, visual art, or painting in particular, is a two dimensional take and representation of reality and humanity. Most art movements took root and relate to aspects of painting such as Surrealism, Action Painting, Expressionism, and Cubism, among various others. They represent styles, techniques, concepts, sensibilities and philosophies which contribute to varying end results in painting. According to the textbook â€Å"Perceiving the Arts†, opera is defined as the â€Å"combination of drama and music into a single artistic form† (Sporre, 2009). Opera is made up of primarily music along with other elements similar to a play such as costumes, scenery, lights, and a plot. Unlike a play, the plot of an opera unfolds through a combination of acting and singing. The follow provides an historical development and evolution of opera and the characteristics of the opera genre. In addition, the following provides information on famous composers associated with opera and concludes with the influence opera has made on society and culture. Historical Development and Evolution The art of opera began during the Renaissance era in the late 16th century in Florence, Italy. Opera started as Greek plays recreated by adding music. According to the Music Lessons Online web site (2010), the first recorded opera was called Dafne and it was created in the late 1500’s. Opera style spread quickly across Europe and soon the first opera house was built in Venice, Italy in 1637. At this time, opera became available to the public, not just aristocracy entertainment. By 1700, 16 public opera houses opened (Columbian Encyclopedia, 2008). At that time, opera was considered an Italian music form. Lyrics were written in Italian only. Christoph Gluck is a German composer credited with changing the face of opera with Orfeo et Eurydice in 1762, staged in Vienna. Orfeo et Eurydice is said to have changed opera because of its emphasis on drama (Asiado, 2007). The opera was the first of many â€Å"reformed operas† composed by Gluck, and influenced composers like Mozart. Orfeo et Eurydice set the standard for the modern opera style we see today. Opera finally emerged in German, French, Spanish, and Russian in the 19th century. France produced the Grand Opera that would last four to five hours and include ballet dancers. Why or Why not? People usually create or perform in arts because some of us just can not be satisfied with an ordinary life style. We prefer to ask why not, instead of why? We like to experiment, imagine and the set it as a portray, the improbable, the unlikely, and impossible just to make sure that all the things we think are out there and aren’t any closer than any imaginations. The act of creativity becomes progress to humans. I do it for the feeling of accomplishing something worthwhile (like Rocky said; â€Å"I coulda been a contender!! † In addition to this it is a â€Å"gift. † Arts in Society The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. Students of the arts gain powerful tools for: communicating through creative expression; understanding human experiences, past and present; adapting to and respecting the ways others think, work, and express themselves; using artistic modes of problem solving, which, in turn, bring an array of expressive, analytical, and development tools to every human situation; understanding the power of the arts to create and reflect cultures; understanding the impact of design on virtually all we use in daily life; understanding the interdependence of work in the arts and the worlds of ideas and events; making decisions in situations where there are no standard answers; analyzing nonverbal communication and making informed judgments about cultural products and issues; and for communicating thoughts and feelings in a variety of modes, thereby providing a more powerful repertoire of self-expression. Because each arts discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through different media, each adds a special richness to the learning environment. Arts education helps students learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional and non-traditional art forms of their own communities and the communities of others. As students imagine, create, and reflect, they are developing the verbal and non-verbal abilities necessary for life-long learning. The intellectual demands of the arts help students develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful thinking skills as analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating. Numerous studies point toward a consistent and positive correlation between substantive education in the arts and student achievement in other subjects. A comprehensive, well-designed arts education program also engages students in a process that helps them develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and self-motivation necessary for success in life. Most importantly, the arts should be experienced and studied for their own intrinsic value.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Save Our Planet

Are we aware that we are slowly destroying our planet? We should think about our earth’s condition day by day because our planet is in great danger. We are very lucky that we can enjoy everything on earth like water, air, natural resource and others to be enjoyed. Nowadays we all know and realize how important it is to protect our planet, but we are mostly too busy or too lazy to make a big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment.Many simple ways we can do to take part to conserve our planet such as recycle, reuse and reduce all the things that we have. For example, if we have tons of clothes or things we want to get rid of but they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them so you will protect the environment. Many people do not know we can save energy when we turn off the household devices. Turn off the light when we leave a room, even if we intend to return. It is an easy habit to take up which will save a lot of moneyNo matter how busy w e are, we also can be one of the environment activists or volunteers in an association to increase the public and media awareness to protect our lovely planet such as running a zoo, overseeing conservation projects and caring for pets. We also need to change our lifestyle and practice a simple life like eating wisely and healthily, reduce wastage and make a pledge to be more earth friendly. Quit smoking and do not ever start if you are a non-smoker. In addition, driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution.Walk or use a bike if the journey is a short one because if we drive every day, it will contribute to air pollution. At least with this action, it would minimize the traffic jams, so use public transport like buses or train. In a nutshell, generally all of us know that earth’s ozone layer is decreasing. There is nothing new here but if we follow at least some of these tips, we can be proud of ourselves by participating in the protection of the environment. Save the ear th for our next future generation because our planet gives back to us what we have put in it! FARIZAIn addition, driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. Walk or use bike if the journey is a short one because if we drive every day, it will contributed to air pollution. At least with this action would be minimized the traffic jammed so started from now go to anywhere by walking, cycling or use public transport like buses or train. In a nutshell, generally all of us know that earth ozone layer getting decrease. There is nothing new here but if we follow at least some of these tips, we can be proud of ourselves participating in the protection of the environment.Save the earth for our next future generation because our planet gives back to us what we have put in it! Many simple ways we can do to take part to conserve our planet such as recycle, reuse and reduce all the things that we have. We could donate our goods. For example, if we have tons of clothes or things we want to get rid of but they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them. We may also choose to give them to associations and they may sell them and collect a little money. Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute to a good cause.Many people do not know we can save energy when we do not use a house device, turn it off. If we do not watch television, turn it off. Turn off the light when we leave a room, even if we intend to return. It is an easy habit to take up which will save a lot of money. No matter how busy we are, we also can be one of the volunteer in an association to increase the public and media awareness to protect our lovely planet. We also need to change our lifestyle and practice a simple life like eat wisely and healthy, reduce wastage and make a pledge to be more earth friendly.Quit smoking and do not ever start if you are a non- smoker. Do we aware that we are slowly destroying our planet? We should think about our earth condition day by day because our planet is in great danger. We are very lucky can enjoy everything on earth likes water, air, natural resource and others to be enjoyed. Nowadays we all know and realize how importance to protect our planet, but we are mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment. LET’S SAVE OUR LOVELY PLANET!! Save Our Planet Numerous environmental concerns impact our planet on a global level. Our mother earth is the only planet in the solar system known to sustain life forms of all kinds and we the intellectual sophisticated beings with opposing thumbs were chosen to rule over her. It is evident today that we have managed to begin to deplete the vast natural resources she has provided to us. Gross misuse, greed, and carelessness have all contributed to this situation. Ensuring the survival of our species and our planet requires that we realize globally our moral and ethical obligations to protect our planet. The first issue that we must look at is the fact that we are overpopulating our planet and this has serious repercussions. Repercussions such as limited resources like food and water due to overuse and overpopulation. For instance, in the days of Lewis and Clark one was able to dispose of waste in the waters and good old mother earth would filter the waste naturally. Now however, due to overpopulation the earth is no longer able to naturally filter the waste we are asking her to filter. The rational person realizes that if there are not enough resources to support the current population we must curtail and change this behavior. We live on a planet with a limited amount of space and resources. Thus one would naturally conclude, eventually you will run out of both. We cannot ethically put restrictions on pro-creating and there are no easy answers in this arena. However, in light of today’s technology explosion some considerations that come to mind are providing global education in population management and removing the option of children born to people who are drug addicts, alcoholics, and who have psychological disorders like insanity. Removing the right of such people to procreate and education will not be the ultimate solution but will undoubtedly produce a more responsible society. Since this is not an option currently, we are left to ponder how can this most essential matter be addressed seriously without judgment to sustain our natural order for survival? We must look at what we are doing to our planet and take responsible action as a species to at least reduce the overuse of land and pollution we are causing. A variety of pollutants are affecting our planet. We see pollutants everywhere. To name just a few, there is garbage on the streets, in rivers and oceans. The less obvious pollutants to the human eye are burning coal and fuel. It is said that burning coal and fuel can increase the level of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. We the intellectual human species have done this massive but reversible damage to our planet that threatens to endanger the possibility of survival for every species in the world. To begin with, our oceans and rivers have been polluted with toxic waste, garbage, medical waste, plastics, and even large oil spills. Toxic waste, garbage, medical waste, and oil spills cause destruction to marine and wildlife by infecting them with PCB’s, mercury, and diseases from medical and toxic waste. Toxic waste gets into our oceans and rivers from leaking landfills, dumps, mines and farms. It is then digested by the organisms in the ocean and rivers which are then eaten by other larger animals in the food chain. This affects the human population by infecting and contaminating the food source within the waters and possibly eventually ending up on dinner tables around the world. Consuming contaminated food can cause diseases that can spread throughout the world. Some of the diseases that can be spread by a polluted ocean and polluted sea life to humans are hepatitis, HIV, aids, and viruses such as pneumonia. If seals and dolphins are washing up dead on beaches, what then could happen to the human population? According to the website www. library. thinkquest. org Ocean Pollution, lead and other toxic waste can cause birth defects, low IQ, slow growth and hearing problems for small children (School, 2002). Isn’t it then the human species responsibility to restrict this kind of pollution? Plastics on the other hand do not contaminate our food sources, plastics simply kill them. For instance in Australia a veterinarian tried to save a baby whale that was sick. The baby whale did not survive. The veterinarian performed an autopsy on the baby whale and found a plastic bag of corn, a plastic bait bag, and some heavy pieces of plastic sheeting that were blocking the bowels of the baby whale (Brower, 1989). Killing animals is not the only problem with plastics; there are numerous others that require mention as well. For one thing plastic is considered a non-degradable substance. To be more precise, it can take centuries to decompose. So where does all of the plastic waste go? In landfills, the ocean, and to some extent it is recycled and reused. Recycling and reusing are good measures for managing the plastic waste that is filling our planet. However, it requires the human species as a whole to be involved and committed to the general idea of recycling and reusing. Some measures that have been taken are using biodegradable bags instead of plastic bags, melting down the plastics and using them in different applications. For example, they can make things like combs, fencing, and trash cans out of the number 2 plastics. Continuing to find ways to moderate the abuse of products such as plastics is an important endeavor we must strive to perfect. Using new technologies and working globally as a species is one way in which we will be able to bring about positive change and aid in the recuperation of our environment. Another issue of concern is air pollution. Air pollution damages the ozone and causes acid rain. Acid rain is caused by smoke and gases that come from factories and cars that run on fossil fuels (Acid Rain, 2000). According to the U. S. nvironmental agency acid rain causes stunted growth in forests and the leaves to turn yellow and even fall off of trees completely in some cases. In some cases trees have died out completely with no apparent cause other than acid rain (Effects of acid rain, 2007). Acid rain also erodes the paint on our vehicles. Erosion of the paint on our vehicles is an obvio us form of tangible evidence that acid rain is harmful to our environment and our species. Worse, imagine what damage it causes to our soil, plants, and water. If it erodes the paint on our cars, what erosion then is happening in our bodies that consume the food grown in the soil? Damage to the ozone can contribute to global warming and can bring about change in what is known as the greenhouse gas effect (Global Warming). The greenhouse gas effect is a natural process that regulates the earth’s temperature. â€Å"The sun heats the earth and some of this heat is trapped in the atmosphere by clouds and greenhouse gases, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide† (Global Warming). The disappearance of greenhouse gases would cause our planet to be 60 degrees cooler than it is and would no longer be able to sustain life (Global Warming). As the suns energy passes through the earth’s atmosphere it is reflected or sent back to space with the help of clouds and other atmospheric particles. Clouds, gases (ozone), and atmospheric particles absorb some energy. The remaining energy is then reflected back to space. â€Å"On average 51% of the suns radiation reaches the surface of the earth† (Pidwirny, 2009). This energy is used to heat the ground, melt ice, and snow, and to evaporate water and in photosynthesis of plants. The heated debate about global warming continues to carry on. For instance, I was in Mt. Rushmore with my family on vacation and we took a trip up to the monument. We were surprised to see a person on top of President Lincoln’s head. We asked the Park ranger if that was normal she indicated that at that moment we were in the most secure monument in the nation. They were on high alert because a group of green peace protestors had decided to hang a global warming sign right next to President Lincolns head. We asked what the penalties for such an act was and she indicated that it was a federal offense and the activists would definitely receive a huge monetary fine and serve some prison time. I wondered if in the end that type of protest was worth the penalties the green peace group will pay. Ethically and morally speaking the green peace group broke the law. The point the green peace group was trying to make could have been made just as easily if the group would have held the sign up at the main entrance. On the other side of the debate of global warming it is said that our planet undergoes cyclical changes and there is scientific evidence indicating as such dating back 3. 3 to 3 million years ago in what was known as the mid-pliocene period (Anonymous, 2008). Fossils that were examined by scientists indicated that the planet was 4. 5 F degrees warmer than today. That begs an answer to the question is pollution really the only culprit for global warming? That being said, the human species has the responsibility to make every attempt to try and preserve our planet. Addressing these issues is of utmost importance. The consequences of leaving them unaddressed could be severe for generations to come. We must come to the collective conclusion that as a collective whole we are the dominant species and it is up to us to preserve and protect our planet. This is where moral and ethical considerations must be made in order to understand what we are doing to destroy our planet. By understanding how we are destroying our planet we can make ethical and moral considerations to help preserve our planet. In doing so, we can help to ensure our existence and the survival of our species as well as all other species on the planet. The basic view throughout history has been anthropocentric or human centeredness (Environmental Ethics, 2008). This position in its simplest form deems all things revolve around the use of the human species. Therefore, we are encouraged to take care of our environment for our continued survival and use. In order to continue to survive and thrive in the manner we are accustomed to, we require many of the things that are said to be polluting the environment. For example, technology used in our day to day lives such as cell phones, computers, household appliances, and televisions have components such as plastics and batteries that are not biodegradable, recyclable, or environmentally friendly. Though many environmentalists do not like to admit it, we require many of these things to survive in today’s day and age. Thus different ideas need to be shared in order for our species to evolve in a less destructive manner. Can we do things differently to clean up our planet? The answer is yes. It is not the job of large corporations or the government to clean up our collective mess. It is the human species job as a whole to do what is right in order to ensure our species survival. Starting small individually will help promote a consciousness regarding our current situation. If we as a people decide to clean up our act on a small level then corporations and big business will follow suit. Change cannot happen overnight. Many of the problems we face relate to the economics of our society. Change has to happen slowly in order to ensure the survival of our species. For example, we are accustomed to driving our cars whenever we need to. Cars use gas, and gas pollutes the environment so we need cleaner cars. Producing clean cars costs an enormous amount of money to the current manufacturers because they are not tooled to do such a thing. Therefore, there is a death required within the old manufacturers and old ideas in order for a rebirth to commence and bring about positive responsible change. Our ethical obligation is to ourselves, the human race. By ensuring our survival as a species we ensure the survival of the rest of the planet. As Aristotle maintained â€Å"nature has made all things specifically for the sake of man† (Environmental Ethics, 2007). With this quote in mind it is imperative that we act upon the things we can change and move in a direction that ensures the survival of our planet. After all we were given the intellect and a strong sense to survive. In conclusion, it is not too late to address these issues ethically. New ways of thinking need to be established regarding our ethical and moral obligations to our planet. As professor Alasdair states â€Å"ethicists need not only respond to those they criticize for failure but to issue alternative means to figuring out the problems we face. † New ideas and solutions to old problems will bring about change. We the human species have the capacity to learn from our mistakes and correct them. In the end it is about survival of the fittest and I believe the human race is all about survival. Save Our Planet Are we aware that we are slowly destroying our planet? We should think about our earth’s condition day by day because our planet is in great danger. We are very lucky that we can enjoy everything on earth like water, air, natural resource and others to be enjoyed. Nowadays we all know and realize how important it is to protect our planet, but we are mostly too busy or too lazy to make a big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment.Many simple ways we can do to take part to conserve our planet such as recycle, reuse and reduce all the things that we have. For example, if we have tons of clothes or things we want to get rid of but they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them so you will protect the environment. Many people do not know we can save energy when we turn off the household devices. Turn off the light when we leave a room, even if we intend to return. It is an easy habit to take up which will save a lot of moneyNo matter how busy w e are, we also can be one of the environment activists or volunteers in an association to increase the public and media awareness to protect our lovely planet such as running a zoo, overseeing conservation projects and caring for pets. We also need to change our lifestyle and practice a simple life like eating wisely and healthily, reduce wastage and make a pledge to be more earth friendly. Quit smoking and do not ever start if you are a non-smoker. In addition, driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution.Walk or use a bike if the journey is a short one because if we drive every day, it will contribute to air pollution. At least with this action, it would minimize the traffic jams, so use public transport like buses or train. In a nutshell, generally all of us know that earth’s ozone layer is decreasing. There is nothing new here but if we follow at least some of these tips, we can be proud of ourselves by participating in the protection of the environment. Save the ear th for our next future generation because our planet gives back to us what we have put in it! FARIZAIn addition, driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. Walk or use bike if the journey is a short one because if we drive every day, it will contributed to air pollution. At least with this action would be minimized the traffic jammed so started from now go to anywhere by walking, cycling or use public transport like buses or train. In a nutshell, generally all of us know that earth ozone layer getting decrease. There is nothing new here but if we follow at least some of these tips, we can be proud of ourselves participating in the protection of the environment.Save the earth for our next future generation because our planet gives back to us what we have put in it! Many simple ways we can do to take part to conserve our planet such as recycle, reuse and reduce all the things that we have. We could donate our goods. For example, if we have tons of clothes or things we want to get rid of but they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them. We may also choose to give them to associations and they may sell them and collect a little money. Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute to a good cause.Many people do not know we can save energy when we do not use a house device, turn it off. If we do not watch television, turn it off. Turn off the light when we leave a room, even if we intend to return. It is an easy habit to take up which will save a lot of money. No matter how busy we are, we also can be one of the volunteer in an association to increase the public and media awareness to protect our lovely planet. We also need to change our lifestyle and practice a simple life like eat wisely and healthy, reduce wastage and make a pledge to be more earth friendly.Quit smoking and do not ever start if you are a non- smoker. Do we aware that we are slowly destroying our planet? We should think about our earth condition day by day because our planet is in great danger. We are very lucky can enjoy everything on earth likes water, air, natural resource and others to be enjoyed. Nowadays we all know and realize how importance to protect our planet, but we are mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment. LET’S SAVE OUR LOVELY PLANET!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ratification of the US Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ratification of the US Constitution - Essay Example Contemporary scholars describe this day as follows: â€Å"two hundred years ago, the United States Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation as the fundamental law of the land when New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution on June 21, 1788.† (McGuire and Ohsfeldt 219) At that juncture in American history, there were those who were against the idea of a federal government that would be able to exercise control and supervision over the States. Thus, there were two primary factions with divergent perspectives on the matter: the antifederalists and the federalists. Whilst the Constitutional Convention was ongoing, robust debates were also taking place in the streets, in townhalls and the like. The federalists had belonged to the higher classes in society, while the anti-federalists tended to belong to the middle to lower classes. The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists The federalists had for its representatives statemen and American heroes in the form of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, who were in large part responsible for galvanizing support for the federal state. In the minds of the federalists, a strong federal government and more united, integrated states would be more helpful and viable in attaining the interests of the American people. They also felt that it was a step above the Articles of Confederation. It was their belief that a weak union between the states will only make it vulnerable to external and even internal threats. The anti-federalists, on the other hand, were united by the view that the United States was such a large country and it would be difficult to unite and govern a country of the size and diversity as that. They also blamed the Federalists for â€Å"overreaching† – that is to say, exercising power in an excessive, if not despotic manner. They expressed a preference for local rule, saying that a federal government would only behave as though there was a monarchy. An important issue that the federalists raised was the lack of the bill of rights in the adopted Constitution. This was a major issue for the anti-federalists. For present day supporters like Nedelsky, (340), â€Å"the Anti-federalists argued for a polity in which the citizen stands in close relation to the State, in which active and responsible participation is a serious concern, and in which equality holds a very high place.† It was in fact because of the very valid issues on civil liberties raised by the Anti-federalists that the Amendments to the Constitution was introduced – an inviolable bill of rights articulating our cherished principles. The anti-federalists also felt that the Constitutional Convention overstepped its bounds when it adopted the Constitution. The only permission granted to the Convention was to amend the Articles of Confederation, not abolish them altogether to create a completely different Constitution. Interestingly, the Federalists were opposed to the B ill of Rights. According to them, since the government was in power through the mandate of the people and in order to represent them, it seemed illogical to establish a Bill of Rights to control government’s actions

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Franchising - marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Franchising - marketing - Essay Example property rights or inventions or special characteristics of a business owned by the other party (Franchisor) based on payment as determined by the Franchisor for supplying or marketing certain products and/or services. The Franchisor and the Franchisee can be entities or individuals†. The objective of this research is to analyze business scenario in Indonesia and how may it help a franchising business. This paper will examine food & beverages and saloon franchising business in Indonesia and will try to clarify the process and the market scenario in Indonesia. It will try to answer the question that which one of the franchise (food & beverages or saloon) would be more workable in Indonesian market. In particular, this paper will study McDonald’s food & beverages and Tony & Guy’s saloon franchising business model and their suitability to Indonesian market. McDonalds is the worlds largest chain of fast-food restaurants. Hamburgers, chicken, French fries, milkshakes and soft drinks are main items that a McDonald’s offers. More recently, it has also added salads, fruit, snack wraps, and carrot sticks to its menu. McDonalds Corporation has developed a unique franchise business model. In addition to ordinary franchise fees, supplies, and percentage of sales, McDonalds also collects rent, partially linked to sales. As a condition of the franchise agreement, the Corporation owns the properties on which most McDonalds franchises are located ( TONI&GUY is considered as the most powerful hairdressing brand in the world. The company is constantly evolving artistically and commercially. It offers the best education on the planet and boasts fabulous product ranges and a dynamic and modern image.  Moreover, TONI&GUY is  the only hairdressing company to be awarded Superbrand status and they truly represent the catwalk-to-client philosophy ( TONI&GUY offer a lifestyle choice, not just a hairdressing appointment. Within the salons,

Modernity and Individualism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modernity and Individualism - Term Paper Example Jefferson's introduction to the Enlightenment by William Small marked the beginning of a thought process that led to his rejection of the doctrines of the Anglican faith in which he had been raised† (pp. 19). Meanwhile, across the Atlantic in France, Moliere’s Tartuffe, or The Imposter, was shocking crowds, the advent of his new play suggesting that religious piety sometimes belied the true intentions of people who did not practice what they preach. It was banned by the government for a total of five years due to the fact that it was so controversial. This helped to foment the idea of individualism in an age when religious piety could no longer be trusted. Not only that, but, according to Spielvogel (2008), â€Å"†¦Renaissance humanists [had] mastered both Greek and Latin and brought new attention to ancient works by thinkers such as Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Plato. These writings†¦stimulated new scientific work that sometimes led to a complete rejection of the Classical authorities† (pp. 341). This had a great impact on how people viewed the world and set up society for what would later on grow into the modern lens which dominates American society, which is postmodernism. Postmodernism, however, did not really arrive itself until much later after the Neoclassical Period. III. Possibilities For Embracing The Common Good As an Ideal When one thinks of the common good, generally the first ideal that comes to one’s mind is utilitarianism, or the greatest good for the greatest many. Embracing the common good became a very popular sentiment with the advent of the Scientific Revolution—which was not so much a revolution in terms of violence as it was in the gradual changes in thinking that occurred during that time period. According to Spielvogel (2008), â€Å"†¦the Scientific Revolution, popularized in the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, stands as the major force in the transition to the largely secular, rational, a nd materialistic perspective that has defined the modern Western mentality in modern times† (pp. 340). During this period, women were not held in high regard, and some philosophes discredited women because they were considered lesser people in comparison to men. According to Spielvogel (2008), â€Å"†¦philosopher Benedict de Spinoza argue[d] for the ‘natural’ inferiority of women to men [in his Political Treatise]† (pp. 350). Additionally, with the advent of science taking the forefront, Rene Descartes also developed several philosophical and scientific concepts, including his theories about dualism, or popularly known as dualisme in French. According to Spielvogel (2008), Cartesian dualism and the scientific method were developed (pp. 351). IV. Positive Historical and Literary Takes on a Communal Outlook The Declaration of Independence, of course, was one of the most important historical documents to have taken place after Europe’s philosophica l movements and revolutionary theoretical developments, which set the stage for the Enlightenment. According to

Monday, August 26, 2019

SOC of Communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

SOC of Communication - Research Paper Example Female 1: My family was planning a trip out of town for the next weekend, but I don't know if I'll be able to join them, all this work is piling up. (Interruption) Male 1: Yeah. (Support response) Male 2: Do you have the notes (Continuation of topic) Asian Male: Yeah. Do you need them now (Support response) Female 1: Its getting pretty rainy and wet here I was looking for a chance to get some sun. I hope I can finish up the work before leaving. (Interruption) Male 2: When will you be back we really need to finish this up its due tomorrow. (Change of topic) Female 2: Speaking of work its pretty hectic down that the mall, they're calling me in for two shifts over the weekend. (Interruption) Asian Male: Have you ever been there this time of year before (Support response) Female 1: Yeah we go every year before Christmas my mother's aunt has a house up there. (Continuation of topic) Asian Male: Maybe you can ask for an extension. (Support response) Female 1: Don't think ill get it. (Continuation of topic) Female 2: Any plans for movies after the study session. I heard they are playing "Spread" this weekend; I've been dying to see it. You guys have to come see it with me.(Change of topic) Female 1: I might. Male 1: I wanted to watch "Paranormal Activity". (Shift response) Male 2: Yeah I heard that's pretty good. (Support response) Male 1: What time do you want to meet up (Change of topic) Female 1: I'll be free at seven. (Continuation of topic) Asian Male: Seven is ok. (Continuation of topic) Female 2: What are you planning on covering in that session (Continuation of topic) In his book, "The Pursuit of Attention; power and Ego in Everyday Life" (2000), Charles Derber talks about the emerging attention seeking trends in individuals. According... The conversation took place in an informal setting at restaurant where all the participants had met for lunch. The restaurant was small, casual but busy. The location was packed with other individuals, both alone and accompanied by friends. Most of them belonged to the same age group and social classes as the participants of the conversation. The conversation was informal and among the group of friends there for it did not include formal elements such as social roles or status. The conversation which took place was mostly to discuss assignments and eventually went to discussing local events and personal information. It eventually concluded at the members dispersing and getting back to their work. In his book, "The Pursuit of Attention; power and Ego in Everyday Life" (2000), Charles Derber talks about the emerging attention seeking trends in individuals. According to the author, in their pursuit of attention people have begun to restructure culture, politics and economy. He also states that although we may not all intend for the amount of attentions the celebrities attract, we seek attention at a more private level such as in conversations, when we try to steer the conversation to ourselves or talk about ourselves and not listen to others. These individuals who tend to seek control over the conversation are referred to as "conversational narcissists".

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Issues on Training Employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues on Training Employees - Essay Example Businesses from around the world run global business this way. If an American business obeys a Saudi law by sending a man, Saudis must obey American Homeland Security laws by giving proper identification and taking off shoes when going through airport security. Global businesses can be profitable, if local laws and cultures are respected. This can only be accomplished through proper employee training. After World War II a global market opened up for business around the world. Business started expanding beyond their borders. IBM is an example of a global business. Early on IBM recognized the need for cultural diversity. Formal statements relating to diversity at IBM can be found as far back as 1953 by the then CEO Thomas J Watson Jr, who said: ‘it is the policy of IBM to hire people who have the personality, talent and background necessary to fill a given job, regardless of race, colour or creed.’ (Nicholson 2009) IBM recognized better business practices would be to incorporate the most qualified individual for each job. This task required cultural diversity, not only worldwide, but in their home country of the United States. The statement above was very progressive for the 1950’s. IBM started this policy and continued to this day by following: This type of policy was brought about through laws like the American Disability Act, Affirmative Action, and other labor laws. The work/life balance is important to every country’s cultures. Different cultures expect different work days, work weeks, and vacation practices. The advancement of women can be achieved in the majority of countries that IBM operates in. However, in several Middle Eastern and other Islamic countries this is not legal or even possible. In Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Iran, and other Islamic countries women do not experience the same freedoms as they do in the West. An example would be in Saudi Arabia

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The History Subjects For Students Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Essay

The History Subjects For Students Kindergarten Through Grade 12 . African-Americans in Historic Perspective - Essay Example The idea of National Standards seemed to offer a way of composing a coherent narrative of American development and of establishing clear expectations of the historical knowledge to be acquired by students."1 The idea of developing standards in all subjects of K-12 grade picked up pace in 1990 when the then Bush administration launched the National Education Goals aimed at inter alia, "a new standard for an educated citizenry, one suitable for the next century.America can meet this challenge if our society is dedicated to a renaissance in education."2 These goals were determined in realization of the findings that the standard of education in the United States was not at par with other nations where students coming out of universities were more knowledgeable, better trained and creative. The National Education Goals initiative gave itself a time period of ten years, that is, by year 2000 when students in America will deal with their subjects in a more competent manner in that they will be more creative and better able to apply their mind to learning. The subjects students would learn with this new approach included English, mathematics, science, geography and more importantly history. The reasons behind setting these goals was nothing but preparing students for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in a modern economy. The 1983 report, A Nation at Risk also warned of a rapid decline in American students' academic achievements. But the truth, says Kevin Kosar in his new book Failing Grades, is that mediocrity "is not rising: it has been high for at least three decades."3 This chapter will look into the process of setting standards for the history subjects for students Kindergarten through Grade 12 and the notion of inclusion (and exclusion) in the American story with particular reference to the African-Americans. While the philosophy of what can safely be called rewriting the American history is that it does not necessarily have to be a narrative of extraordinary people and events but the ordinary people and ordinary events were as much important.Although the National History Standards initiative had bipartisan support and the process a dopted a participatory approach, the right-wing decided to take a snipe at the mention of certain people and events such as the Ku Klux Klan and McCarthyism and inclusion of African-Americans. The objection was also on presenting America's African heritage at the cost of down-grading the European heritage. The National Centre for History at the University of California Los Angeles was mandated with the task for formulating the National History Standards under the guidance of the National Council for History Standard

Friday, August 23, 2019

Financial statements provide comprehensive information about the Essay - 1

Financial statements provide comprehensive information about the reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential stakeholders - Essay Example The role of the accountants and the auditors in ensuring a true and fair view of the financial statements has been explained. This is followed by the review of the key components in the financial statements which includes the income statement, balance sheet and the cash flow statement. The parameters of the income statement, balance sheet and the cash-flow statement and the information communicated by these key components have been explained. The interpretation of the key components of the financial statements fulfils the general purpose of the companies in communicating the effectiveness of the strategies for capital maintenance and wealth maximization. The financial statements are the means of communicating to the users about the business performance of the company. The companies of all business sectors all over the world have used the financial statements as the primary instrument of informing the stakeholders whether existing or potential, about the activities of the company in the area of its business throughout the year (Baker and  Powell, 2009, p.75). The users of the financial statements include the existing shareholders, the internal stakeholders that include the employees and the management, the external stakeholders which includes the customers, government, creditors and lenders, the potential investors, etc. All the users of the financial statements, whether internal or external, are only interested in maximization of profits of the company. The companies also carry out their business with the primary aim of maximization of wealth of the shareholders (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p.62). The various measures taken by the compan y during its operations in the business throughout the year are communicated to the stakeholders with the help of financial statements. Therefore, the financial statements of the companies are prepared and represented in a manner that they contain comprehensive information about the reporting entity that

Thursday, August 22, 2019

African American Muslims in prison Essay Example for Free

African American Muslims in prison Essay Most African-American Muslims look to mainstream orthodox Muslim organizations such as the Muslim Society of America (Christian Science Monitor, February 14, 2002). This includes believers once affiliated with NOI who eventually parted ways with the group due to its emphasis on Black identity.   In order to assess the potential threat of radicalism in the African-American Muslim community, it is important to distinguish between the myriad of ideologies that influence the outlook of Black Muslims today from the groups and individuals on the extreme fringe implicated in terrorism. This holds especially true when one considers social protest movements that fought for racial equality during the U.S. civil rights struggle that continue to wield influence today, such as the Nation of Islam (NOI). Founded in 1933, in its early years NOI encompassed a mix of Islamic discourse and a worldview that held that Blacks were Gods chosen people. Whites were seen as inferior, oppressors and regularly referred to as devils, in what many observers contend was a reaction to the ideals of white supremacy that prevailed in society [3]. NOI borrowed heavily from the beliefs held by the Moorish Science Temple. Founded in 1913 by Timothy Drew, later known as Noble Drew Ali, the Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA), as it is referred to today, is regarded as the first major Black identity movement. Islam, Judaism, Christianity and other belief systems shaped MSTA’s worldview. MSTA declared that African-Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moorish Muslim civilization whose culture had been suppressed by the legacy of slavery.   NOI helped inspire the radical Black Power movement of the 1960s that broke with the non-violent approach of activists such as Martin Luther King, Jr., including the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, later known as the Black Panther Party (BPP). BPP did not rely on religious discourse and instead emphasized popular revolutionary struggle in the name of social justice and Black liberation. NOI also influenced Black identity movements across the English-speaking Caribbean, Canada and Great Britain. In many respects, the agendas of NOI and BPP converged in a number of areas. The Nation of Gods and Earths, also known as the Five Percent Nation of Islam or simply as the Five Percenters (FP), represents another side of the Black identity movement that mixes aspects of Islam, Judaism, Christianity and other beliefs ( FP, which split from NOI in 1964, is adamant that it is not a religion, but maintains that Islam represents a way of life. Its worldview declares Blacks as the original people of the earth and the founders of civilization. FP sees Black men as Gods, which they refer to as ALLAH (Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm and Head), not to be mistaken with the Arabic word for God. FP ideology also espouses the theory of Supreme Mathematics, which among other things maintains that followers represent the chosen five percent of mankind who lead a virtuous life. FP enjoys a large following among popular Hip Hop artists and African-American activists [4]. It also has a following in the U.S. prison system, where some members have been linked with gang activity and violence [5]. FP made headlines when false allegations surfaced linking convicted Washington DC-area snipers John Allen Muhammed and John Malvo to the group. Muhammed was actually a former member of NOI, but had left the group years before the attacks.   Orthodox Sunni Muslim organizations regard MSTA, NOI and FP as heretical cults. Indias Ansar us-Sunnah Library and Research Center refers to NOI as the Nation of Kufr (unbelievers) for its emphasis on Black nationalism and identity and what it describes as a blend of false Muslim and Christian beliefs. The groups website places NOI alongside Shiites, which they describe as rafidah (rejectors), and other groups they consider heretics such as Sufis, Druze and Amhadis in a section warning Muslims to guard their faith ( The NOI continues to grapple with the dilemma of reconciling its origins as a Black identity group with orthodox Islam. This has led to major rifts and splits within the movement over the years. Despite the influence of NOI under the charismatic leadership of Louis Farrakhan, the vast majority of Black Muslims today subscribe to orthodox Islam, a trend that has been growing over the years. Homegrown Terrorism The highly publicized Seas of David case was not the first of its kind. The case of the obscure Jamaat al-Fuqra (Community of the Impoverished, JF), a Muslim association with branches in South Asia and North America, once raised concerns about radical trends in the African-American Muslim community. Works Cited 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   African Muslims in Antebellum American by Allen Austin, 1984 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Arab World Published by the Arab-American Press, 1945 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   African Presence in Early America by Ivan Van Serbia, 1987

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The image of fish Essay Example for Free

The image of fish Essay Kevin Roberts uses the image of fish in both his poems – Skating Down Trout and A Fish Too Big – to explore existential anguish in the point of view of the water creatures. In both poems, the fishes were presented as living in some kind of prison – the trout in Skating Down was walled beneath ice, while the Arwanna at A Fish Too Big could barely move inside the enclosed aquarium. Although Roberts used fishes in both poems, he evoked different speculations about life drawing from the reactions of the fishes to their situations. In the first poem, the objective reality was that the trout were living beneath the ice, and were safe against hunters who wish to make them dinner. The trout do not know that the ice functions like a shield to protect them from danger. Down there, nothing can touch them as long as the ice stands between the shadows and danger (lines 13-18). But the trout are easily scared, and their fears get the better of them – driven by forms only the fish makes substance until in panic at the hiss and whir of the steel blades it runs defeats itself – they end up driving the nails to their own coffin, prized catch to the hunters. If only the trout had more faith in their own environment where they had managed to survive for so long, then perhaps they would still be alive. They created their own deaths by giving in to their fears. On the other hand, the Arwanna in A Fish Too Big is opposite. The Arwanna was depicted as too big for its aquarium that it has no room to move anymore, a prisoner behind glass. The Arwanna The Arwanna could easily leap out or break its aquarium if it wanted to because of its sheer size, but the Arwanna accepts it fate and stays calm. If it chooses to move about and free itself from its cage, then the Arwanna will undoubtedly die. And so the Arwanna chooses to stay still, as the Thais say in lines 31-32: †¦ what can you do / without fate chance luck. It seems that the Arwanna has indeed accepted its situation, and have given up. What it needed was fate, or chance, or luck, to be able to get out of the situation. It sends an indirect statement saying that there is very little we can do about what happens to us; that in the end, death is a looming inevitability, and what one can do is live the life given to it before death comes knocking at one’s door. The last three lines And what can the fish or I do / about our own shrinking / glass cage of flesh? sums up the existential anguish the speaker is experiencing. The speaker was watching the Arwanna the whole time but was subconsciously relating himself to the fish, finding himself trapped with nowhere to go and nothing to do but wait for impending death stuck in his situation. However, there is a sense of peace as compared to the first poem. For in the first poem, the trout faced no real danger but because of its restlessness and fear ended up dead. But its fear is not without reason: they were being hunted. In contrast, although there was no aggressive hunter about to kill the Arwanna, the fish faced a terrible situation – it was caged and could not move, but if it tried to it will face death outside its prison. The main difference between the two was that the Arwanna has accepted its life and lived a life of calm, whereas the trout lived a life of fear. Roberts used the image of fish in both his poems, but he to different effects. The trout lived in an environment where they were hunted, but could easily escape its hunters by staying deep in the water. The Arwanna had no choice but to breathe inside its cell, or choose death. Even so, the trout who had more freedom than the Arwanna dived in to its demise because of its recklessness, because it let fear consume it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Introduction To The Perfect Competition

Introduction To The Perfect Competition Microeconomics is about economizing choices among alternatives uses of scarce resources. The choices are made up by the individuals. businesses, and government units. Scarcity can be say as the central of the economic theory. Economic analysis is fundamentally about the maximization of leisure time, wealth, health, happiness, these are all commonly reduced to the concept of utility subjects to constraints. These constraints or scarcity define a trade off. For example, we can have more money by working harder, but less time because there are only so many hours in a day, so time is a scarce. Microeconomics, which deals with individual agents, such as households and business and macroeconomics that is considered the economy as a whole, in which case it considered aggregate supply and demand for money, capital and commodities. In short, microeconomics is to study about the economics behavior of individual consumers, firms, and industries and the distribution of production and income amon g them. It can be considers individuals both as supplier of labour and capital and as the ultimate consumers of the final product. Beside that, it can be use to analysis both firms both as suppliers of products and as consumers of labour and capital. Microeconomics also helps to seek analyze the market or the types of mechanism that establish relative prices among the goods and services or allocates societys resources among their many alternative uses. Microeconomics is a very important knowledge in the study of economic theory, it has both theoretical and practical implications. Microeconomics is a great help that are efficient in managing the limited resources available in the country and it is helpful to understand the work of the free enterprise economy where there is no central control. Microeconomics is the basis of welfare economics, it is used to construct the economic models for the better understanding of the actual economic phenomena. Microeconomics also explains how thro ugh market mechanism goods and services produced in the community are distributed. Microeconomics is utilized to explain the gains from international trade, balance of payments disequilibrium and the determination of foreign exchange rate. 2.0 Introduction to Monopoly Monopoly is the market structure that exist a single seller and a very large amount of buyers and selling products that have no close substitution and also have a very high entry and exit barrier. In our country, the example of monopoly market are the TNB, Indah Water, and Telekom Malaysia (TM Berhad). If people want to subscribe home telephone services they only can go to the Telekom Malaysia ( TM Berhad ), because Telekom Malaysia (TM Berhad ) is a monopoly. The word monopoly is a latin word, where mono means single and poly means sellers. Monopoly have firms that it is the only supplier in the market, and there will be no close substitute towards the output so monopoly have no treat of competition. 2.1 Characteristics of Monopoly There are some characteristics of monopoly market. According to ( monopolies have the ability to maintain a very normal profits in the long run. As with all firms, profits are maximized when Marginal Cost ( MC ) = Marginal Revenue (MR). In overall, the profit level are well depend upon the degree of the competition in the market, which for a pure monopoly is zero. At the profit maximization, MC = MR, and the output is Q and the price is P. Given that the price ( AR ) is above ATC at Q, supernormal profits are possible ( area P,A,B,C ). Super-normal-profits Monopoly exists when there is only one seller of a product. Monopoly is the firm that only exist in the industry selling a product that has no close substitution. Monopoly market is the place where the monopoly firm operates. In short, there is no difference between a firm and an industry in monopoly as there is only have one seller. A monopolist is a price maker, price maker are defined as firm which has the market power to control the prices. Since there is only one seller or producer so they have the power to control the price of their products in the market. Monopoly firm only sell product that has no close substitute, so that consumers or buyers could not find any substitute for the product that they require. For example, electric supply from our country can only found in TNB which has no close substitute for it. In the monopoly market, there is also some strict barriers to the entry of new firm. Barriers to entry are most likely natural or legal restrictions that restrict the e ntry of new firms into the industry because it is very high cost to enter a market that can support only one business example: TNB, Indah Water and Telekom Berhad. So a monopolist faces no competition because of the barriers of entry because other producer cannot compete with them due to they dont have the resource at their disposal. Business in monopoly firm may have the copyright for its own product so it will be illegal for other producer to duplicate its product. In short, barriers to entry are designed to block potential entrants from entering a market profitably because barriers to entry are to protect the monopoly power of existing firms and therefore it maintain the supernormal or abnormal profits in the long run. Advertising in monopoly market are depend on the products that the producer sold because if products are luxury goods such as imported car, then the monopoly needs some advertisement to promote their goods so that the consumers are informed about it. Local public u tilities such as water, electricity and home phone services do not require advertisement because consumers will know where to obtain it because there is only one to get the products. 2.2 Conclusion for Question 1 In conclusion, we have learned about monopoly is a market structure that is only single seller and a large numbers of buyers and products that have no substitution. And also there is a very strict barrier of entry and exit to the monopoly market. 3.0 Introduction to The perfect competition Perfect competition is a type of market where there are large number of buyers and sellers, the sellers sell identical or homogeneous product. There is also free entry and exists of the firms. Both of the buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge of the market. 3.1 Characteristics of The perfect competition There are some necessary conditions or requirements in order to be in a perfect competition market. Being with the perfect competition market, there is an important feature of perfect competition is the existence of the large number of buyers and sellers. The market is so small compared to the overall industry where a single seller sells in the market. For example, in the poultry industry, there are thousands of duck producers in Malaysia and each firm produces only a small fraction of the total poultry industry. Another conditions for perfect competition market is that the firm must sell homogenous or standardized product because the buyers do not differentiate the products of one seller to another seller. For example, the buyers cant differentiate about the ducks that is selling in the Firm A and Firm B. Hence, the firm cant charge different prices for the same product in the market. Once the buyers notice the difference of the quality, packaging, colour or design of different sell ers, then this market is no more in the state of perfect competition market. Even the products are similar but if there is a difference in terms of the packaging and quality then the product is not a homogenous or standardized product anymore. Under the perfect competition market, there is no restriction on entry of new firms to the industry or exit of the firms from the industry. A firm can enter the perfect competition easily and exit the perfect competition anytime if the firm wants. For example when he/she has the necessary factors of production like land, labour and capital then he/she can operate the business already. If the firm suffers from losses it can leave the industry without any rules and regulations or restrictions. 3.2 Introduction to The monopolistic competition Monopolistic competition is a market structure that have large numbers of small sellers selling differentiated products but these are close substitute products and also have a easy entry into and exit from the market. Compare to perfect competition, monopolistic competition market produce different and sold different but the goods are close substitutes for one another. There are many products in the world represent monopolistic competition such as clothes, shoes, books and other items. 3.3 Characteristics of The monopolistic competition The characteristics of monopolistic competition market are quite similar with the perfect competition. Similar to perfect competition, there are large numbers of sellers and buyers under the monopolistic competition market. There are large number of firms existing in the monopolistic competition market but it is less as compared to the perfect competition market. Since the size of the firms are small, there is no individual firm can influence the market price. But, if each firm in monopolistic competition market produces different or unique products then they will have some control over the prices. Hence, each firm follows an independent price-output policy. For example, in wax industry, the prices of a 100ml wax range among brands such as gasby, mudwax, spiky and other firms as well. Product differentiation means that the product in the firm is selling or producing are not identical. In monopolistic market competition, the firms that producing the goods are different from its compet itor. Each seller will use different methods to differentiate their product from other sellers to attract the buyers and consumers. Product differentiation will gone through the packaging, design, labeling, advertising and brand name. For example, if the firm sold eggs that is in the open shelf, then the eggs will category in perfect competition market. But if the firm packaged their egg in a packaged box and labeled as Best Protein Egg, then this egg is in the monopolistic competition market. In monopolistic competition market, there is no entry and exit barriers in monopolistic competition. However, the entry and exit into the monopolistic competition market is not as easy as the perfect competition market because of the products differentiation. If any new firms that enter the industry, they have to find some differentiation with the existing brands. For example, if Chicken A1 wants to enter the soup industry, then the firm must find some difference in term of quality, taste, lab eling, and packaging in order to be in the monopolistic competition market. In the monopolistic competition market, there will be stiff competition with other firms for their products and not for the price of the product. Monopolistic competitive firms do not compete using the prices because of the products in the market are having a lot of substitutes. So, the producers or sellers uses various methods to attract the customers to buy their products. Types of non-price competition practices in monopolistic competition market are advertisements, promotion, discounts, free gifts, after-sales service and others. 3.4 Introduction to The oligopoly Oligopoly is the market structure that there are only a few enough firms selling either standardized or differentiated products and it is very restricted to enter the entry and exit from the market. Under the market structure, some or all the firms in the industry can earn abnormal profits in the long run. This is because of the entry of new firms is difficult or impossible. The oligopolistic firms can impose barriers to the entry in terms of patents or access to a certain technology in the market. The purpose of it is to control excess the production of output, which is unprofitable for the oligopolistic firms. The example of the oligopoly markets are cigarettes, automobiles, electrical equipment and cement. 3.5 Characteristics of The oligopoly The characteristics of oligopoly market are having few numbers of firms. Under oligopoly, the number of firms is small but the size of the firms is large. The market share of each firm that is large enough to dominate the whole market. Few firms control the overall industry under oligopoly. But there is also no specific numbers to control the market before becoming oligopolistic. The main important criterion to become oligopolistic is to have mutual interdependence between these firms. Under the situation like this, firms will considered the reactions of its rivals in decision making to create strategic interdependence. There will be strong interdependence among all the firms in the oligopolistic market as the number of the firms will become smaller. But if the number of the firms become larger, then the interdependence between these firms will diminish. In oligopoly market, a product that is sold under oligopoly can be either a homogeneous or a differentiated product. Example, cemen t or electrical appliances produced by one firm are identical to another firm. Firms that is in oligopolistic market always consider the reaction of other firm rivals when both are choosing price, sales target, advertising budgets and other business policies. This is the important characteristic of an oligopoly firm that differs from other market structures. Because of the number of firms is small, changes in price or output by one firm can have direct effect on another firm. Under the situation of oligopolistic market, there are plenty barriers to entry that is similar to monopoly. The oligopoly firms have restricted new entrants into the markets. The barriers are to control the certain resources, ownership of patent and copyright, exclusive financial requirements and other legal barriers. In short, large firms may take drastic actions in order to prevent the entry of new firms by flooding the market. These large firms will produce the output at excess production capacity, which wo uld drive the price down. That means new firms that is newly set up will not survive because sometimes the price are set by these large firms is below the cost price. Once the new firms are out of the market, the large firms will reduce the production capacity and increase the product price. 3.6 Introduction to The monopoly Monopoly is a market structure where there is only one firm in the industry and there is no substitution to it. Monopoly have a very high entry and exit barrier because it is very high cost to enter a market that can support only one business. Monopoly is also a price maker, which has the market power to control the price. 3.7 Characteristics of The monopoly Monopoly is just the only seller of the product. The monopoly firm will be the only firm industry that is selling product that has no close substitution at all. Which means consumers can only find the only firm that is selling the only product, consumers could not find any substitute for the product. Besides that, monopoly market have a very strict barriers to the entry of the new firm. Advertising in monopoly market is actually depend on the product it sold. Normally public utilities such as water, electricity and home phone services do not need advertisement because people will know where to go for the product unless it is luxury goods like imported car then it will be needed advertisement to let consumers know about it.

Change in Sheilas Character throughout An Inspector Calls Essays

Change in Sheila's Character throughout An Inspector Calls J B Priestly ‘s ‘An Inspector Calls’ is set in 1912 and was first performed in 1945. This mean there is Dramatic Irony over Birling ‘s comment about war. The plot concerns Eva Smith a working class girl who commits sucide. She used to work in Birling ‘s factory and every family member affected her life. An inspector comes to their house for investigation. Priestly message to the audience is that everyone in society is responsible for their own actions and the way in which they affect others. At the beginning of the play, Sheila is a pretty girl in her early twenties, very pleased with life and rather excited. She is getting married to Gerald Croft. â€Å"Oh – it’s wonderful! Look Mummy – isn’t it a beauty? Oh darling (she kisses Gerald Hastily)†. After the inspector arrives she wants to know what is going on and when she founds out she is shocked. â€Å"Oh how horrible! Was it an accident?† Sheila accepts that she is partly to blame for Eva ‘s sucide because she got her fired from Milwards shop. The audience fee...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Analysing Kant Essay -- essays research papers

Kant Sewction 1 Kant starts off making two distinctions regarding kinds of knowledge, empirical/rational and formal/material. Empirical or experience-based knowledge is contrasted with rational knowledge, which is independent of experience. This distinction between empirical and rational knowledge rests on a difference in sources of evidence used to support the two different kinds of knowledge. Formal is contrasted with material knowledge. Formal knowledge has no specific subject matter; it is about the general structure of thinking about any subject matter whatsoever. Material knowledge is of a specific subject matter, either nature or freedom. Rational knowledge is metaphysics, of which there are two branches, the metaphysics of nature and of morals. The metaphysics of nature is supposed to provide rational knowledge of the laws of nature. These are not empirical laws; they are more like universal principles of nature that any empirical physical would presuppose, such as that no event in nature oc curs without a natural cause. The metaphysics of freedom is supposed to provide knowledge of the laws of freedom. These are the universal rules which free agents devise to govern them. Thus, Kant's grounding, his initial attempt at a critique of rational reason, is an investigation of the possibility of purely rational knowledge of morals. Take, for example, the Moral Rule: Thou shalt not lie. If the moral law is valid as the basis of moral obligation or duty, then it must b...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

“If I Am The Chief Of Sinners, Then I Am The Chief Of Sufferers Also Essay

In terms of this book, I think that it’s difficult for me to place Jekyll as a complete sinner or a complete sufferer due to the varying influences of the other characters, the society of the time and the drug that Jekyll uses. My opinion of him tends to fluctuate throughout the book. Certainly, some of the language used by Stevenson can be rather grotesque at times and at others, heart wrenching. As the storyline progresses, the reader becomes more aware of what has happened to the reputable Dr Henry Jekyll and how his life gets turned upside down. However, our suspicions are only totally confirmed in â€Å"Dr Lanyon’s Narrative† and â€Å"Henry Jekyll’s statement of the case†. Through the story, Jekyll displays acts of recklessness but also kindness and surprising self-control at times. It’s these episodes, mainly in his statement of the case that I will analyze in order to draw a conclusion about his character and to what extent the title quote is true. I believe that the quote â€Å"If I am the chief of sinners than I am the chief of sufferers also† essentially refers to Jekyll transforming into Hyde. By all the pleasures in the lifestyle that this change brings, Jekyll has completely gone against G-d’s will and the laws of nature (being the chief of sinners). This leads to Jekyll also being the â€Å"chief of sufferers† i.e., he’d never forgive himself for the massive sin that he commits. In his eyes and also those of society, he can never be redeemed. It also relates to the physical suffering that he has to endure, such as the â€Å"pangs of transformation†, mentioned five times throughout â€Å"Jekyll’s Statement of the Case†. For me personally, during the time I have been studying this book, one sentence has stuck out in my mind, the very last sentence of the book: â€Å"Here then, as I lay down the pen and proceed to seal up my confession, I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end.† (Pg76, Last 3 Lines) This, moments before Jekyll’s suicide, is his last plea for forgiveness, his last expression of suffering. I think that this crystallises any sense of suffering that has taken place and been felt by Jekyll. However, not always has Jekyll been so remorseful. Many a time he would transform to go and do all the things society wouldn’t have let him do. However, both Jekyll and our sympathy for him come crashing down to earth when we learn that as Hyde, he crushed an innocent little girl under foot and even committed murder on the kind, peaceful Danvers Carew. These two events were the first indication that Hyde’s actions were getting out of Jekyll’s moral control and, particularly in the case of the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, display Jekyll’s recognition that whatever crimes Hyde commits, will have repercussions for him: â€Å"At this moment, however, the rooms bore every mark of having been recently and hurriedly ransacked† (Pg28, Line 22) This describes the scene that greets Utterson and Inspector Newcomen of Scotland Yard as they visit the Home of Mr Hyde. Clear evidence of a rush to overturn the place and destroy Hyde’s chequebook containing evidence of some monetary transfer. In â€Å"The Story Of The Door†, during the incident of the little girl being crushed, a chequebook was also used by Dr Jekyll to provide compensation, this may be a subtle clue that Stevenson gives us in order to provide a link between the two incidents and the use of the chequebook may stand for Hyde’s return to Jekyll who then tries to undo what Hyde has done with money. The use of language here gives the reader a clear impression that the last occupier of this room wanted to leave very quickly; â€Å"ransacked† is a word synonymous with quick careless destruction of a room and this is supported by it having been both â€Å"hurriedly† and â€Å"recently†. I believe therefore, at this point, Jekyll has regained his body and consciousness once again and knowing what he’s done, wants to escape Hyde’s residence as quickly possible, he realises that he’s now â€Å"the chief of sinners† having commited murder. Hyde will have a warrant for his arrest, the result of which would most certainly be the death penalty, something that would clearly affect Jekyll also. I believe that Jekyll didn’t wish to be burdened by the majority of the problems that came with his dual personality. However he didn’t have the willpower to control them, due to his addiction to the potion that he took, and the pressures of society that gave him some sort of pleasure from being able to break free from the bonds of every day life. Certainly, I don’t think he was right to commit some of the atrocities that he did however, had he been in a different time or a different part of society, then some of the attractions that enticed him to Hyde’s life – such as prostitution and violence – may have been more acceptable and this sort of unpredictable transformation may not have been necessary. We, as the reader must constantly ask ourselves whether Jekyll actually has any control over his actions at any given point before we blame him directly for what he does. Our first impression of Jekyll as Hyde appears during the first chapter as Enfield describes the trampling of the little girl to Utterson. The description certainly sets us off on the wrong foot, although at the time, we aren’t well informed as to Hyde’s real identity, it gives us a certain dislike even before the story has begun to properly develop or we have the chance to discover the characters more intimately: â€Å"It wasn’t like a man; it was like some damned Juggernaut† (Pg9, Lline 27) The first striking thing here is the use of the word â€Å"damned† to emphasise Enfield’s point. â€Å"Damn†, undoubtedly perceived at the time the book was written, an age without socially acceptable swearing and profanation, as a relatively strong word. Therefore, Stevenson’s use of this word, in Mr Enfield’s description of Hyde, brings across a particular strength of his feelings of dislike towards him. So already, we have a strong sense of shock at this character, simply from the strong language used to describe him. The use of the â€Å"Juggernaut† description is an effective example of personification. One thinks of a large Romanesque ship, famous for using a large pole at the bow to ram the enemy ship and sink it. The context in which this quote is used certainly is appropriate to that. It describes how, who we now know to be Hyde, trampled over a young girl, as if in a trance or â€Å"rammed into her† as a Juggernaut does. The above quote, relating to the trampling event certainly lowers the amount of sympathy the informed reader would feel for Jekyll, this is relatively early on in the book, before, as far as we are aware, that Hyde has started to take control over Jekyll’s actions. Therefore, we can assume that what has taken place has been mainly caused by Jekyll’s consciousness as opposed to Hydes. Jekyll’s lack of remorse, until he has been threatened with losing his reputation certainly loses him sympathy from the reader and the event in general doesn’t make Hyde seem any more angelic at any rate. For the uninformed reader, it’s difficult to state whether we feel sympathy due to our apparent lack of knowledge of the story. However, whoever or whatever this monster is, again, we certainly don’t feel sympathy for him. The fact that Hyde is described as â€Å"not like a man† also dehumanises him. We see, throughout the book, many instances of Hyde being dehumanised, compared to monkeys and other animals: â€Å"Hence the ape-like tricks that he would play me, scrawling in my own hand blasphemies on the pages of my books, burning the letters and destroying the portrait of my father†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Pg75, Lline 11) This has a great effect on the reader’s perception of him as we begin to think that he isn’t civilised at all, the laws of society do not apply to him and therefore he is subhuman, no better than the dirt on our shoe and certainly, we should be glad for him to have any misfortune. It would be unthinkable at the time to write blasphemies in the pages of a bible and from Jekyll’s sentimental point of view, to destroy his letters and his fathers portrait would be a massive sin, certainly one that hurts him all the more because he knows that the only reason Hyde does these things is to cause even more misery and fear for Jekyll; acts which gain sympathy from the reader for Jekyll and increase our hatred towards Edward Hyde. Early on in the book again, during the chapter â€Å"Search For Mr Hyde† the reader is introduced to Hyde, the language Stevenson uses to describe him shapes our response: â€Å"Mr Hyde was pale and dwarfish †¦ the man seems hardly human† (Pg19, 2nd Paragraph) The description of somebody as â€Å"pale and dwarfish† could easily be interpreted as one of somebody who is weak however; we know Hyde possesses superhuman strength. In this instance, the description is more sinister than deprecating, it brings to mind an evil hunched being which as a first impression makes the reader feel fear or hatred towards him, no sympathy. We also hear Hyde speak to the first time and react to this. An informed reader would become frustrated with Utterson’s inability to see the link between Hyde and Jekyll, which intrigues us further. Whatever we know, this description of Hyde certainly isn’t that of a man you would particularly like to meet in a dark alleyway. A somewhat deformed and gruesome specimen, again, as I have said, Stevenson dehumanises him as he does throughout the book. In this particular instance, he uses Utterson’s impression of Hyde to get the message across; â€Å"the man seems hardly human.† Stevenson often uses the narrative of other characters in order to describe Jekyll or Hyde. At this stage in the book, it is still difficult for us to tell whether we feel sympathy for Dr Jekyll due to us knowing very little information. However, a connection between Jekyll and Hyde is now forming in our head, the mind runs rampage. By the third chapter, â€Å"Dr Jekyll Was Quite at Ease†, we are getting our suspicions of Dr Jekyll having a connection with Mr Hyde confirmed. Still the other characters in the book can’t see this though. We are now getting the impression of Hyde as Jekyll’s apprentice, a man who is well thought of by the doctor. However, Jekyll is not particularly willing to talk about Hyde: â€Å"‘I do not care to hear more,’ said he. ‘This is a matter I thought we had agreed to drop.'† (Pg22, 3rd Paragraph) This rather short chapter describes a party, hosted by Dr Jekyll in which Mr Utterson brings up the topic of Jekyll’s will. Jekyll is extremely quick to dismiss the topic as taboo almost. This does a lot to heighten the suspicions of the reader as to the secret dealings between Jekyll and Hyde, still we don’t have enough information to understand the entire story however, slowly it is leading us to the correct conclusion, it is merely a matter of time (i.e. the rest of the book) until the would-be detectives discover this conclusion as well. We are certainly suspicious at this point however, not well informed enough to draw a conclusion in terms of sympathy for Jekyll. The chapter â€Å"The Carew Murder Case† describes the savage murder of Sir Danvers Carew, a man held in high regard by those who knew him. What makes this event even more shocking is that it is witnessed by a rather innocent young maid and it’s discovered that the perpetrator is Mr Edward Hyde, a piece of evidence is found linking Hyde directly to Jekyll: â€Å"Mr Utterson had already quailed at the name of Hyde; but when the stick was laid before him†¦ presented many years before to Henry Jekyll† (Pg26, 6th Paragraph) Using the information known from the previous chapters, the reader is beginning to build up a picture of what is going on here. A connection with Jekyll, a murder, we’re feeling a serious lack of sympathy for Jekyll here, one of his associates has committed murder. The more informed reader realises that this is in fact Jekyll in his Hyde guise, in which case even less sympathy is felt, Jekyll has reached a new low in his alter-ego form. As we learn later on, the original objectives of Dr Jekyll were to separate good from evil, it could bring fame and fortune and do a lot of good for humanity, very innocent aims made with a good heart, every person across the planet could show simply their good side to others and the world may at last be at peace. It was due to his selfishness – and I use the term â€Å"selfishness† loosely – however, that led to his demise. Some may argue that Jekyll was simply an addict and that he was hooked onto whatever this potion was and yes, this is easy to see, as with any drug that gets you high, he experienced feelings of pleasure, happiness and freedom. Personally I think we can sympathise with Dr Jekyll in a lot of respects, however, things did go out of hand for him. Once murders were being committed, it did sink in that perhaps the transformations should stop, he managed this for a while, returning to his old self, he noticed it and his friends noticed it. However, despite deep and utter resentment, it wasn’t long though until his hunger for what he had once experienced returned, and he gave in to his desires. Jekyll was addicted and in an act of extreme selfishness carried on taking his doses of potion. He recognised as soon as he took the potion, that he had given in to his addiction and that there was now no going back for him: â€Å"The pangs of transformation had not done tearing him, before Henry Jekyll, with streaming tears of gratitude and remorse, had fallen upon his knees and lifted his clasped hands to G-d† (Pg 70, 13th Line) Jekyll doesn’t strike me as a particularly religious person, by the very nature of the experiments he was conducting and the results he was hoping to achieve, he was going against every moral value of the church, however, he even tried praying for forgiveness to try and make up for what he had done on a spiritual level, what he had done obviously bothered him so much. This act of prayer casts Jekyll in a completely different light to that of the crazed scientist looking for an impossible cure to an equally impossible problem. This is quite a milestone in the book because it is because of this act that the reader realises the desperation of Henry Jekyll and the fact that he is now trying to, through any means possible, prepare himself for anything he might come up against. He isn’t by any means justifying what he’s done but he now knows that he will never again be able to stop himself from taking the potion. It is the catalyst to his eventual demise. Certainly â€Å"pangs† and â€Å"tearing† make this seem like an extremely painful and distressing event, the use of onomatopoeia (â€Å"tearing†) sends a shiver down the spine of the reader and makes us feel sympathy for what Jekyll is going through, it is worse than any injury we could ever have. Eventually, as the potion begins to consume Jekyll, taking over his consciousness, it is realised that he is truly on a slippery slope as predicted from the last quotation. However, there is a point where the potion becomes too weak for his use and the analogy with common modern day drugs continues: â€Å"Once, very early in my career, it [the potion] had totally failed me; since then I had been obliged on more than one occasion to double; and once, with infinite risk of death, to treble the amount;† (Pg 68, 4th Line) He increased his dose, even with risk to his own life, so that the concoction would still be effective. At this point the reader pities Jekyll for the situation that he’s got himself in. The hardest thing for any addict is to give up their drug and although it’s a different situation here, with enough willpower, Henry Jekyll could have summoned up the courage to try and banish Hyde forever however he refused to, taking larger doses of potion and sealing his fate instead. This loses him a lot of sympathy with the reader because of his lack of courage and strength, instead resigning to the fact that he will never escape Hyde and so he better learn to enjoy his alter ego. The last chapter, â€Å"Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case† gives us the greatest insight into the how the mind of Dr Jekyll works and finally gives the reader the full story so that we can finally find out for ourselves what events took place and we can piece together the chain reaction that resulted in the deaths of Dr Jekyll, Dr Lanyon and Sir Danvers Carew. We can also see the changing moods of Dr Jekyll as events unfold from the narrative that he gives us, after all, this chapter is meant to be a letter written by the man himself, one of the rare times we can get an insight into what he did and the fully detailed results of his actions. The fluctuating consciousness of Dr Jekyll while he is Hyde, i.e. the change in control that he has over his actions can easily be seen to change as time goes on from the comments that he makes about his experiences. At the beginning, when he starts taking the potion for the first few, experimental times, he is unsure what to expect. â€Å"There was something strange in my sensations, something indescribably new and, from its very novelty, incredibly sweet.† (Pg 62, 3rd Paragraph) These were the first experiences of Jekyll in the form of Mr Hyde. It was as if it was something completely surreal and, he likes it! At this point he’s completely oblivious of what is about to happen in the future and as far as he knows, he’s made a scientific breakthrough, he’s changed his persona into something completely different. At this point the reader can celebrate with Jekyll; we can wonder in amazement at his achievement, we can join him in his happiness and elation. This all gives us a sense of support, that we are following Jekyll’s progress with a keen eye and certainly wish him well. Certainly we, as the reader, don’t want anything bad to come out of this, no side effects, no evil being taking over his body†¦ Therefore, when we eventually realise the true identity of Hyde, and the problems he has caused Jekyll, it is worse than our greatest nightmares, no one could wish this kind of pain upon anybody, even our greatest enemy. But as I have said, the reader wants Jekyll to succeed in what he’s doing, his intentions are great so, a setback of this scale – to put it mildly – makes us feel very sympathetic for Jekyll, he will never be able to achieve his dreams. Dr Jekyll eventually began to realise that perhaps this new found freedom comes with a side effect: â€Å"I felt younger, lighter, happier in body; within I was conscious of a heady recklessness† (Pg 62, 3rd Paragraph) He feels youth again however, feels along with the physical ease of youth, a sort of care-free existence in which anything is ok. Gradually this freedom gives Jekyll a desire to exploit it, he doesn’t understand it however and he finds it particularly welcoming. When the informed reader takes this quote into account, we start to lose some of our sympathy for Jekyll because he is describing that despite the fact that he feels a lot better than before he took the potion, he knows that he is also feeling somewhat mischievous. Despite knowing that problems may occur for him or others, he decides that this potion is something he is going to want a lot more of in the future. It can be argued however, that he couldn’t possibly know the extent of the mischief that he would get up to yet, in his particular society, any misbehaviour would be frowned upon, if only he had the common sense to realise the potential of his freedom and stopped himself at this early stage. â€Å"I knew myself, at the first breath of this new life, to be more wicked, tenfold more wicked, sold a slave to my original evil; and the thought, in that moment, braced and delighted me like wine† (Pg 62, 3rd Paragraph – Pg 63) At this point, a lot of the elation and respect we might have had for Jekyll practically disappear, what is this, he enjoys feeling evil inside him, he welcomes it? The key phrase here is that he is â€Å"sold a slave to his original evil† it is like selling his soul to the devil, as if he almost recognises the path that he is taking from there on. I think we lose a lot of sympathy that we may have in the future because of this, he can see that things may go sour but is willing to take the risk and go ahead with his experiments purely because he is enjoying it, it is as if nothing else matters to him. If the reader was at all confused before the final chapter as to the fact that Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde could possibly have been the same person, the murder of Danvers Carew gave more than enough clues to confirm this theory: â€Å"when the stick was laid before him, he could doubt no longer; broken and battered as it was, he recognised it for one that he had himself presented many years before to Henry Jekyll† (Pg 26, 5th Paragraph) This is referring to the weapon used to murder Sir Danvers, a stick that had been brought upon Carew’s body with such force, it had split in two. It was one that Mr Utterson had presented to Dr Jekyll many years before and was evidence, if we hadn’t already guessed that Henry Jekyll had an obvious affiliation with Mr Hyde. Once again, sympathy levels for Jekyll drop however, we have to bear in mind, that by this point, Hyde may have been in control of Jekyll’s actions more than he knew, it might not have been possible for Jekyll to stop this murder taking place but the reader is still shocked and disgusted by what has taken place. However, as we can see from Jekyll’s statement of the case, he was disgusted by what had taken place and he realised now that this had to stop once and for all. It was either that or to face the scaffold for the crime that had been committed, there was a witness to it who could identify Hyde as the murderer. Jekyll realises that murder is the final straw, finally his common sense kicks in: â€Å"The problem of my conduct was solved. Hyde was thenceforth impossible; whether I would or not, I was now confined to the better part of my existence; and O, how I rejoiced to think it! With what willing humility, I embraced anew the restrictions of natural life! With what sincere renunciation, I locked the door by which I had so often gone and come, and ground the key under my heel!† (Pg 70, 27th Line) Once and for all, Jekyll had given up becoming Hyde, although he hated having to return to his mundane old self, he simply couldn’t risk ever becoming Hyde again, it was too dangerous. As Jekyll says, becoming Hyde would never again be possible, he hated it but he would have to remain as Jekyll for ever more. With extreme displeasure, he locked the door to his laboratory and ground the key under his feet. This surely would stop him ever wanting to transform again. Now the reader feels proud of his good will, his commitment to giving up his addiction and once again feels sympathy for his situation, at least he’s making a conscious effort to redeem himself. However, this momentary peaceful existence does not continue, Jekyll misses the freedom he experienced too much and gives in to his pang of desire. As himself, I don’t think Dr Jekyll meant to cause the harm that he did, but under the influence of Hyde, he caused great evil, his apparent lack of self control makes him accountable for all the actions that he carried out, it requires a large degree of naivety to carry on with what he was doing, knowing full well that his actions were likely to be more and more serious, even, as the book says, beginning to long for more disruption, more evil to be caused. â€Å"To cast in my lot with Jekyll, was to die to those appetites which I had long secretly indulged and had of late begun to pamper. To cast it in with Hyde, was to die to a thousand interests and aspirations, and to become, at a blow and forever, despised and friendless† (Pg 68, 2nd Paragraph) I think a certain amount of sympathy can be felt for Jekyll and his impossible situation, he was faced with a huge decision, he enjoyed being Hyde so much, he was addicted to it however, if he was to carry on transforming, eventually, there would be no way to reverse the effect, slowly, by this point, Hyde was taking over his mind and body. Either he stopped being Hyde forever and lives a somewhat disturbed life with a constant longing to turn into his alter-ego or, stop being Jekyll and run a life of evil, with no friends and hatred all around him. He chose to continue giving in to his desires until the last traces of the once prominent gentleman Henry Jekyll had disappeared and in an extremely sad final paragraph, in a tone of extreme despair finally recognises that his life is slipping beyond his grasp.