Monday, August 26, 2019

SOC of Communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

SOC of Communication - Research Paper Example Female 1: My family was planning a trip out of town for the next weekend, but I don't know if I'll be able to join them, all this work is piling up. (Interruption) Male 1: Yeah. (Support response) Male 2: Do you have the notes (Continuation of topic) Asian Male: Yeah. Do you need them now (Support response) Female 1: Its getting pretty rainy and wet here I was looking for a chance to get some sun. I hope I can finish up the work before leaving. (Interruption) Male 2: When will you be back we really need to finish this up its due tomorrow. (Change of topic) Female 2: Speaking of work its pretty hectic down that the mall, they're calling me in for two shifts over the weekend. (Interruption) Asian Male: Have you ever been there this time of year before (Support response) Female 1: Yeah we go every year before Christmas my mother's aunt has a house up there. (Continuation of topic) Asian Male: Maybe you can ask for an extension. (Support response) Female 1: Don't think ill get it. (Continuation of topic) Female 2: Any plans for movies after the study session. I heard they are playing "Spread" this weekend; I've been dying to see it. You guys have to come see it with me.(Change of topic) Female 1: I might. Male 1: I wanted to watch "Paranormal Activity". (Shift response) Male 2: Yeah I heard that's pretty good. (Support response) Male 1: What time do you want to meet up (Change of topic) Female 1: I'll be free at seven. (Continuation of topic) Asian Male: Seven is ok. (Continuation of topic) Female 2: What are you planning on covering in that session (Continuation of topic) In his book, "The Pursuit of Attention; power and Ego in Everyday Life" (2000), Charles Derber talks about the emerging attention seeking trends in individuals. According... The conversation took place in an informal setting at restaurant where all the participants had met for lunch. The restaurant was small, casual but busy. The location was packed with other individuals, both alone and accompanied by friends. Most of them belonged to the same age group and social classes as the participants of the conversation. The conversation was informal and among the group of friends there for it did not include formal elements such as social roles or status. The conversation which took place was mostly to discuss assignments and eventually went to discussing local events and personal information. It eventually concluded at the members dispersing and getting back to their work. In his book, "The Pursuit of Attention; power and Ego in Everyday Life" (2000), Charles Derber talks about the emerging attention seeking trends in individuals. According to the author, in their pursuit of attention people have begun to restructure culture, politics and economy. He also states that although we may not all intend for the amount of attentions the celebrities attract, we seek attention at a more private level such as in conversations, when we try to steer the conversation to ourselves or talk about ourselves and not listen to others. These individuals who tend to seek control over the conversation are referred to as "conversational narcissists".

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